Chapter 7- A close call

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 *** I am back. I am sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy the new chapter.***

Ladybug swung through the night sky as she attempted to beat Chat Noir to the bakery. Her partner had not even given her a chance to say goodnight before dashing towards his princess. Ladybug shook her head. Chat Noir had acted very differently from his everyday self, and what was with the lack of nicknames?

Ladybug hated to admit it, but she secretly loved it when he called her M'Lady and even bugaboo. It made her feel special. Ladybug knew that eventually, Chat Noir would stop the nicknames, but she never expected it so soon.

Ladybug grunted as she noticed Chat Noir at a distance. There was no possible way she would arrive at her before he did. She needed to figure out a different way. The last thing she needed was Chat Noir figuring out her identity, especially after Tikki warned her.

Deciding not to risk being seen by her partner, Ladybug chose to stop in a nearby alleyway. If Chat Noir ever saw her heading in the same direction, it would be a matter of time before he put two and two together. Ladybug knew that while Chat Noir was a flirt, it didn't change the fact that he was also the most intelligent guy she knew.

Ladybug had no choice but to detransform and walk the rest of the way home. She just hoped she got to her room before Chat left. Who knew if he would ever come back?

"Spots off," she called, detransforming.

"Marinette, I told you it is not a good idea for Chat Noir to go to your house, and this is one of the reasons why," Tikki spoke worryingly.

"I know, Tikki, but I am sure I can work it out. Please don't lecture me. Here, get in. It's cold outside, and I can't afford for you to get sick. We no longer have Master Fu to cure you," Marinette spoke, opening her purse and giving her kwami entrance. If only she had remembered to bring a jacket for herself.


Chat Noir was surprised not to see Marinette standing on her balcony as she always did, but that would not stop him from stopping by and talking to her. He needed to see her. He had to speak with her TONIGHT!

Chat Noir looked through her window, only to find her room dark. He wondered if she was sleeping and, if she was, should he wake her? He knew she would not be happy if he did, but he had waited long enough to see her, and Chat simply couldn't wait any longer.

Deciding he wouldn't leave without seeing his princess, Chat Noir tapped gently on her window.

First time- No answer.

Second time- No answer.

Third time- No answer.

After the third time, the leathered hero began to worry. If he knew Marinette as well as he believed to, he was sure there was no way the bluenette would sleep through his knocks. His stomach churned as he began to feel that his princess was in danger. Not wasting another second, Chat Noir opened the hatch leading to Marinette's room and jumped in.

Chat just wanted to make sure she was okay. At this point, it didn't matter if she chose to ignore and not open the door. Even if she despised him and didn't want to see him again, all Chat Noir wanted to see was her safe in her room, but he didn't. Her room had no trace of the bluenette.

Her absence did not ease the terrible feeling in the hero's gut. In fact, it was worse. It was way worse. Using his better judgment, Chat Noir wasted no more time and went in search of his princess.


Marinette shivered as the cold wind blew hard. It was bearly the beginning of the winter, yet the nights were almost freezing.

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