Chapter 18- It's you

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Agony, despair, torment, sorrow, and pain; that is what Chat Noir felt. Shattered, unloved, useless, tortured, and uncared for; that is what Adrien felt even after reverting to his civilian self. He couldn't understand what he did wrong. Chat Noir would have done anything for her. He risked his life and his miraculous for her, so why did she leave him?

Adrien cried in the alleyway where he had been untransformed. It all hurt so bad. He didn't know what he would do now, but he didn't want to live without Marinette.

The blonde cleaned his eyes as he stood up and walked home. If he ever made it home. At this precise moment, Adrien wondered if he wanted to return or jump off the nearest bridge and end it all.

The model stopped and turned to look at the Pont du Garigliano bridge on his far right. He could do it. He wanted to do it. The girl he loved no longer wanted anything to do with him. What did he have left now? Nothing!

"Kid, I know what you are thinking, don't do this. We can still get pigtails," Plagg called out. Adrien didn't respond, his eyes still on the tall bridge. "KID!" Plagg yelled, earning Adrien's attention. "Listen to me. She is just worried about Paris. Pigtails loves you. If she didn't, she wouldn't have cared. Talk to her, and if you must tell her the truth, but not this, don't do this," Plagg begged worryingly.


Hawkmoth smiled as he felt the negative energy radiating. He missed akumatizing Chat Noir, but it didn't matter because he knew Chat Noir's weakness. He no longer needed an Akuma to get the miraculous of the black cat. He just needed her.

The powerful villain breathed in with a smile.

"Yes, Paris has never seen this type of pain." It was full of the agony of pain. The young man was in pain. Immense pain! This Akuma would most likely take Ladybug's miraculous. "Fly away, my little Akuma, and-" Hawkmoth froze.


Quickly Hawkmoth distransformed. He might have been a bit heartless, but when it came to his son, he could never use an Akuma. He would never place Adrien in danger. Gabriel knew Adrien was not home, but where was he? He should have never been out in that state.

The emotions were powerful.

Gabriel had never come across such intense pain before. His son was beyond hurt.

Adrien was feeling shattered.

"Natalie! Where is Adrien."

"He is out with his girlfriend, sir,"


"Yes, the girl that went to the tournament. The one he kissed and handed her the trophy. Sir, you authorized the photos to be published on next week's magazine cover."

"That's right. Mme. Dupain Cheng."

"Marinette, sir."

Gabriel froze. Marinette? Marinette, as in the girl that Chat Noir spoke of loving? His son loved the same girl? Oh no!

"A-as in," Gabriel stuttered, and Nataly nodded.

"Bring him home, now!"

Just as he yelled, the door opened, revealing a red-eyed blonde. He didn't jump. Plagg had made him see that he still had a shot, and Adrien would take it.


The blonde stiffened at the sound of his father's voice. "Son, are you alright?" He heard Gabriel speak. Adrien furrowed his brows. Son? Alright? Since when did he care?

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