Chapter 27- The invitation

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Oh, is that so? And how are you going to do that? Are you going to attempt to kill my fiance again, Hawkmoth?"

Gabriel's eyes widened as he heard the words that had just come out of his son's mouth.

He knew!

Adrien knew he was Hawkmoth.

Marinette had told him.

He should have killed her when he had a chance but rest assured he would not miss the second time.

In anger, Gabriel stood forward, trying to get to Marinette, but Adrien was too quick to react. In one swift move, Adrien pushed his father harshly, turned him, twisted his body, and kicked him in the back. Gabriel had landed even further than where he was standing before.

"Get the hell away from her!" Adrien yelled. He was so angry that his veins were bulging out. It was no secret that Adrien had gotten more muscular in the past couple of months, but seeing him like this was a new experience for Marinette.

"You are a fool, boy. Did she tell you the reason why?"

"I know the reason why! I know you want to bring mother back, but it will not happen!"

"It will happen! I will get those miraculous!"

"Mother will never forgive you! Just like I will never forgive you for what you have done!"

Gabriel laughed bitterly. "You are so naive. Your love for her has overshadowed your reasoning and loyalty to your mother. But ask yourself this. Do you think she is as faithful to you as you are to her? Why is Chat Noir willing to do anything for her?"

Adrien laughed mockingly. "Do you believe I didn't know about Chat Noir? I know everything. Marinette never lied to me about him. But you are right about one thing. Love has blinded me, and I am happy about it. Marinette agreed to be my wife after all."

"What? You will do no such thing! I will never allow it!"

Adrien laughed again. "You can't avoid it. You know you should look at the papers you sign once in a while."

"Your mother would be ashamed of you."

"Maybe so, but she would despise you!"

"Now, I will only say this once. Be grateful that Marinette wishes to do you no harm and is adamant about keeping this silent but believe me when I say if anything happens to her or her family. I will not be so forgiving. I will come after you. Now get out of our house!"

Marinette couldn't help but look at her boyfriend in awe. He was so strong and fearless. It was dumb not to have known he was Chat Noir before. Watching Adrien's strength gave her the power she needed. She could not be afraid. She was Ladybug! Nothing would stop her from standing by her partner's side without fear.

Natalie held a smile. She was so proud of Adrien. She never imagined the day would come when he would stand up to Gabriel, but here he was, doing just that. Emily would have been proud.

Adrien, on the other hand, felt his heart pulverize to ashes. His father was really gone. He had refused to believe it before, but coming face to face with him was enough to vanish all doubts.

Gabriel showed no remorse for the things he had done. He was willing to attack Marinette before his eyes and didn't even attempt to deny his identity. Gabriel was no longer his father. He was Hawkmoth, the enemy.

Yet that was not what hurt Adrien the most. It was the lies he was telling. The lies he wished with all his might were true. Because if she said yes. He would marry Marinette right that second. He would finally call her Mrs. Agreste and be with her for all eternity, but it wasn't true. There was no paper stating he could marry, and he had not yet proposed, and after the past events, he doubted she'd want to marry him at the moment.

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