Chapter 35- Finding Adrien

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A month had passed since that horrific night, and Adrien was still MIA. Alya had gathered the heroes together and searched all over Paris, time and time again, but it seemed as if the blonde had vanished from thin air.

Things had changed drastically since that night. After completely healing, Emily relinquished Tikki, who was now in the miracle box. Tikki no longer spoke to anyone. It was she who begged Alya to return her to the miracle box. Marinette's departure had taken a toll on her the most. Tikki did not want another holder. And that wouldn't be a problem as long as the new Guardian remained missing.

Natalie also returned the peacock miraculous. Luckily, her injuries had looked worse than they actually were, and she healed very quickly, though she still looked pale. But that was different. That was due to the lack of sleep. Natalie owed Marinette everything. It was because of her that she was still alive today. That is why Natalie refused to leave her side. And that is why she believed Marinette would wake up from the comma soon.

A comma! Luckily the EMCs resuscitated her on the scene, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough. Even after emergency surgery and a blood transfusion, Marinette went into a coma. While she was breathing on her own, the doctors believed her chances of waking up were slim to none. And those lowered every day that passed by.

Emily hugged Natalie tightly. A month later and the woman still felt shattered. It didn't take Emily long to learn what had occurred while she was gone, and she died inside. Everything made so much sense. Adrien's reaction towards his father and towards her all painfully made sense. Emily didn't think twice before slapping Gabriel and asking him for a divorce. While she appreciated that he loved her so much to literally not be able to live without her, the pain he brought to their son was unforgivable. Now, Adrien was missing. All the money she spent on private investigators had done nothing. But could Emily blame him? The girl he loved was believed to be dead, and what's worse was she had sacrificed herself for her and Natalie. For Adrien!

If only her son knew that he could be the only one to bring her back to them. She witnessed their love. Emily was there when her little boy sobbed for his girlfriend. While she didn't witness her sacrifice, it was obvious she did it for him. For his happiness! And that is the type of love that lasts forever.

Gabriel, you may ask? Well, Gabriel was placed under house arrest for the time being. Paris believed it should be Ladybug or Chat Noir to decide his fate. Until then, the man was not allowed to leave his home and was watched 24 hours a day.

Lila? That evil girl was in prison for the attempted first-degree murder of Natalie and Marinette. She also had charges of terrorism against Paris and many more. Her lawyers had tried to play the underage card, and she even tried to use the victim card, but unfortunately for her, Luka was one of the witnesses who took the stand, and the musician made it known to the court what an evil snake she was. After that, it was a dead end for Lila. The court decided that adult crimes deserved adult punishments, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison, but that quickly grew are she threatened to kill the judge for his unfair ruling. The judge wasted no time in doubling it up, questioning her sanity.

Françoise Dupont had not been the same since that frightful day. The entire school and teachers felt the absence of both star students. The school seemed glum. Students walked the halls bearly making it through the day. It was surprising how much joy Adrien and Marinette had brought to everyone. The compliments, jokes, caring nature, and honest friendship had really been the best part of attending the school. Now that they were gone, there was nothing there. No one was the same.

The Dupain Chengs were even worse. The situation of their little girl had wrecked them. They shut the bakery down and spent their entire days at the hospital along with Natalie, and the woman they learned was Adrien's long-lost mother.

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