Chapter 33- Close to an end

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Her eyes were still on her partner.

That is how she saw Hawkmoth's sadistic smile as he dodged her partner's hit.

Before she knew it, Volpina appeared through the doors with an army of her own. Reacting quickly, Ladybug swung her yo-yo around, believing she could rid herself of Volpinas's illusions. Except they weren't.

Ladybug's eyes widened as she realized, Hawkmoth had figured out the same thing she had.

But she knew Hawkmoth had a plan. She expected it!

"Mayura, we need help," She yelled. Nodding, Mayura went to work. They needed sentimonsters of their own and fast.

Ladybug quickly jumped to the fight but not too far from her partner. She would do anything to do to protect him. She was tired. It was as if no matter how many of Volpina's minions she defeated, more came.

Ladybug watched as Volpina stared at the fight with an evil smirk. She was still far away, almost as if Volpina was waiting for the best time to attack, but no matter how hard she tried to get to her, more sentimonsters appeared. Ladybug's eyes widened in fear as she noticed that the second she took her eyes off the fight to look at Volpina was enough to get her surrounded. As quick as it was, the sentimonsters attacked her before she could react.

"Ladybug," Chat Noir yelled, worried about his girlfriend. That was enough for Hawkmoth to drop him to the ground.

"Take her miraculous," he commanded.


"Shut up, boy," Hawkmoth hissed at Chat Noir, using his strength to keep him on the ground. In a panic, Chat Noir did the only thing he could think of doing.

"Father, stop this!" He yelled.

It was as if the room had come to a stop.

Hawkmoth removed his feet from Chat Noir in shock as he felt his heart stop.


Chat Noir took the opportunity to stand up. "You heard me, father. It is time for this to come to an end. You are hurting everyone and all for what? For mother?" He asked, pushing the hidden button on the side and opening the glass casket where his mother lay.

Hawkmoth was silent, shocked, and shooked. Chat Noir knew everything. Marinette must have told him everything. Chat Noir was Adrien.

"Didn't you know mother at all? She wouldn't want this! She would have never allowed you to do this! How could you hurt Paris? Hurt my girlfriend? Hurt me?"

Chat Noir asked, his eyes watering as he looked at his father in his villain persona.

"I am doing this for us!" Hawkmoth replied. It only now dawned on him that he had been fighting against his son the entire time, and while he should feel guilty, he wasn't. He was angry!

All this time, one of his enemies was his son, his own flesh and blood that kept him from saving his wife.

His family.

"You are doing this for you!" Chat Noir yelled back.

"Mother wanted us to be happy. She told us both that the night, right before you led me to believe she had disappeared. She loved us and wanted us to be happy."

"She was our happiness!" Hawkmoth yelled back.

"Yes, she was! But that was then, and this is now! I learned to be happy, father. I have a girlfriend. A girlfriend I love with all my heart, and loves me and accepts me as I am."

Hawkmoth greeted his teeth in anger.

"A girlfriend you almost took from me time and time again. You hurt her, and with that, you hurt me! It is time this ends, father! You need to move on."

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