Chapter 31- The war part 2

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"A-Adrien?" Monarch questioned, removing the knife in disbelief. No, that couldn't be right. His son was most likely getting married or hiding with his bride somewhere. There was no way that Adrien could be Chat Noir. Right?

Adrien was not on the same page with him when it came to his way of trying to save Emily, but he wouldn't try to stop him. If so, that meant that his enemy had been his son since the beginning. He almost killed his son time and time again.

Chat Noir instantly fell to the ground and whimpered in pain as he held his shoulder. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Even the strength the miraculous provided him did not keep him from feeling the excruciating pain of being stabbed.

Chat Noir panted as he looked at a distraught Laduybug yelling his name.

"Adrien, get up, please, baby," she cried.

Adrien grunted as he stood up. The Akuma victims surrounded and held onto her, not allowing her to move. She needed help. He couldn't give up, not now. His own father had just stabbed him on the shoulder and would have killed him if Ladybug had not spoken. As far as Chat Noir knew, Gabriel was already dead.

Monarch stood still, disbelief evident in his eyes. Adrien? Baby? What the hell was going on? There had to be a mistake.

Monarch looked at a distraught Ladybug and furrowed his brows. It was as if he had seen that look before. Attempting to understand, he turned to look at Chat Noir, who stood behind him in anger.

Chat Noir was angry. He hadn't planned on revealing his identity till the end, but he also knew it was a matter of time before Gabriel found out. Ladybug was distraught. Therefore, Chat Noir didn't blame her for yelling out his name. He would have done the same if it was the other way around.

"Hold on for me, my love," Ladybug yelled as she attempted to get loose. Chat Noir's heart skipped a beat. Marinette had never called him those nicknames before.

She was hurting.

Chat knew she was losing hope.

For all he knew, Ladybug thought they would die soon.

Chat Noir furrowed his brow. Everything made sense now. Marinette knew that Gabriel would try to end their lives. That is why she was doing what she was doing. Were her words earlier a way to say goodbye?


They wouldn't say goodbye.

They would never say goodbye.

He would make sure of it.

Monarch took in a sharp shaky breath as he finally got a good look at Chat Noir's eyes. Why hadn't he seen it before? Those eyes! They were Emily's eyes. Chat Noir was Adrien. Adrien was Chat Noir.

"A-Adrien?" He asked in disbelief, dropping the knife in the process.

Chat Noir chuckled. "We meet again, father! I told you, you would regret this," He hissed as he held onto his bleeding shoulder.

"Adrien, you're Chat Noir?"

Chat Noir's lip quivered in disdain. "The one and only."

Suddenly, Monarch felt an anger surge.

"How dare you stop me from saving your mother! Give me your miraculous, Adrien!" He spat out viciously.


"Mother is gone! You have to move on," Adrien spat out angrily.

"She is not gone!" With his word, Monarch pulled out a remote, and Emily's glass coffin popped up from the ground.

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