Chapter 12- Difficulties

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*** Guys this is just a fill-up for a bigger scene to come but I hope you like it.***

Marinette woke up to the blasting sound of her alarm and the warmth of being in Chat Noir's arms.

'Chat,' she thought with a smile. Chat had been nothing short of perfect last night. He had been so caring and loving towards her as he listened to her cries. He had once again shown a side to him that Marinette had never seen before.

Marinette smiled wider. It was funny, really. What had started as a rough night for them quickly turned into one of the best nights of her life.

The bluenette hadn't slept that well since forever. Marinette couldn't explain it, but being in Chat's arms gave her a sense of safety. It gave her peace.

'Who would have thought I'd be happy in Chat Noir's arms,' Marinette thought to herself. And that's when it dawned on her, 'arms, she could see arms.' Chat Noir had detrasnformed while he slept.

It would be a lie if Marinette said she didn't have a sudden urge to turn around and find out who the boy behind the mask was, but she knew she couldn't. She couldn't break his trust in that kind of way. It was her who set the rules. She couldn't break them now.

Marinette grunted. No matter how wrong it was, there was still part of her who wanted to know the identity of the boy making his way through her heart. Marinette fought the urge to turn around. Last night was enough to realize that trust was a big thing for Chat Noir, and finding his identity while he slept was a betrayal.

Covering her eyes with the covers, Marinette spoke up. "Chat," she called on to him. "Chat, wake up," she said, using her legs to give him a push.

Chat Noir stirred tiredly, not yet opening his eyes. "What's wrong, princess?" he mumbled in his morning voice, and Marinette melted. She hated to admit it, but that was exactly how she had imagined Adrien sounding as he woke up by her side every morning. Marinette shook her head, attempting to erase the thought.

What was wrong with her? She should not be thinking of Adrien while in Chat's arms. Marinette was confused. She didn't understand why her brain kept confusing the two into one. While it was true that they had similar appearances and voices, the two were also very different from one another. Though the thought of them being one and the same was a wish, she couldn't deny having.

"Chat, it is morning. Y-you detransformed," Marinette called from under the covers.

Chat Noir's eyes shot open as he heard her words. He couldn't believe he had overslept. He never overslept! Adrien panicked as he looked at the clock. Natalie would be in his room in a matter of minutes.

He was so dead.

He was Adrien!

Did Marinette see him, did she hate him for it, and where the hell is Plagg?

"P-princess, did you- did you see?" He asked worryingly.

"No, don't worry. I covered my eyes the second I saw your arms. I knew you wouldn't want me to see," Marinette stated quietly.

"Princess, I wish you could, but it's not safe. I'm sorry."

Marinette didn't respond. While she knew all this already, there was still a part of her wishing to know the real boy.

"Plagg? Plagg where are you?" Adrien called out.

"Here I am, kid. I tried to wake you, but you were out."

"Plagg, Claws out!" Adrien quickly called out, transforming into the leather hero Marinette trusted.

At first, Adrien wondered why Marinette had not freaked out upon the sound of another voice but quickly remembered she was once multi-mouse. An impressive hero, if he might add.

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