Chapter 13- Not enough

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Marinette cheered loudly as the one announced Adrien Agreste as the winner. The win guaranteed Adrien's spot in the semifinals, and Marinette couldn't be prouder.

Adrien widely smiled as he noticed his beautiful bluenette friend holding a sparkly black sign with the words TEAM ADRIEN in the middle in neon green. It was so Chat Noir-like that the blonde couldn't help but laugh.

The blonde turned and shook his opponent's hand before running towards Marinette, who quickly ran down the bleachers and jumped into his arms, just as she had every night since the start of his tournament.

'Best part of the night,' Adrien thought as he held her tightly.

Adrien blushed crimson red as he felt the bluenette's lips touch his cheek. "You did it! Congrats, Adrien," Marinette happily stated as she released the hug.

"Well, I have the best fan in the world supporting me. Nice sign, by the way," Adrien stated, pointing to the sparkly sign she had dropped as she jumped in his arms.

Marinette blushed. "Thanks."

Adrien smiled. Truth be told, he had seen the sign the last night as he visited his princess under his superhero persona, Chat Noir, but Marinette had not finished it.

Adrien bit his lip as he remembered how concentrated she was as she worked on the once-white cardboard. So much so that she hardly paid the hero much attention throughout the night.

The blonde remembers her exact words when he suggested a brake. "Adrien has worked hard, Chat. He deserves this and much more. I have to finish." Chat Noir would have died of jealousy if the sign wasn't for him. The truth was, part of him still was.

Adrien looked at the sign again. He couldn't help but feel confused. Chat Noir was important to Marinette, he knew that much, but something was still off. While Marinette kept taking over his heart and pushing Ladybug slowly out, Chat Noir still felt her withdrawn.

Chat was now sure he wanted something more than friendship with the bluenette, but it seemed as if Marientte was still confused.

If only he knew who that guy was, he could-

Adrien's thoughts were interrupted by the bluenette; herself.

"Are we going to watch the last match and find out who will be your opponent, or are we going to be leaving?"

Adrien smiled. "No, they'll let me know. Let's go. Movie night at my place?" He asked. His father had finally allowed him to have a friend over, and he wanted to experience it with the bluenette.

Marinette nodded with a smile. "Great, let's go," Adrien said excitedly, and Marinette giggled. "Umm, are you going to leave like that again?" Marinette teased, pointing at his clothes.

Adrien blushed in embarrassment as he looked down at his clothes. He had done the same thing the first night of the tournament.

"I- I'm j-just g-gonna-"

"Just go get changed, dork!" Marinette interrupted with a laugh, and Adrien quickly joined. Marinette was finally comfortable with him, and he loved it.


"Your mother was beautiful," Marinette whispered as she watched the tv screen. The bluenette's head lay on the blonde's shoulder as the teens cuddled on Adrien's couch. They had watched Solitude, per Marinette's wish.

"Yes, she truly was," Adrien responded sadly, and Marinette's heart broke for him.

"I'm sorry. I know how hard it is for you to watch this. You must miss your mom so much."

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