Chapter 40- Memories 2

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***I'm back. I am sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy this really long chapter. As always don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends. Thank you for your support. Sending love, MMF***

"I died more than once? I don't understand. How?" Marinette questioned. Her voice shivered with fear. The girl watched as her so-called finance nodded. "I prefer to talk about that after," he whispered. "Let's just go back to the start, please?" He asked, avoiding the other question.

"Okay," Marinette whispered, and Adrien let out a breath of relief.

"Anyway. As I said, we met at school, and you designed the hat for me," The blonde pointed at the picture. "You also gave me this scarf for my birthday," Adrien stated, pulling out the scarf from his backpack.

A memory suddenly flashed before her eyes.


"You gotta tell him you were the one who knitted the scarf," Alya whispered.

"But he seems so happy about his dad. I don't want to spoil it for him."

"Aw, Marinette. You're an amazing girl. You know that, right? And someday, Adrien will figure it out too. Promise," her best friend stated, hugging her.

-End of Flashback-

"But I didn't know it was you till a few months back. I always thought it was-"

"From your father," she interrupted.

"That's right," Adrien smiled. She was remembering. He was sure of it.

"We hung out after, but we never talked much," Adrien admitted.

"Not until the gaming competition. You were a beast. You beat us all within seconds," Adrien laughed.

"We became a team, after. I went to your house to practice, but you kicked my butt all over the place."

Marinette laughed, but her laughter stopped when pictures began to play in her mind.

*She and the blonde in her room, controllers in hand, her parents interrupting them, and the charm. She had given him her lucky charm.*

"The charm," she whispered.

Adrien nodded, reaching into his pocket.

"Yeah, this charm," he whispered. "Did you know that I never left home without it?" He questioned softly. "At the moment, it became my most prized possession, but I never knew why, just that it meant the world to me."

"The funny thing is, my Kagami knew even before me," Adrien whispered.

"Kagami is my ex-girlfriend and one of your friends. She fences like me. She dumped me because she knew I was in love with you. Hell, I didn't even know it then yet. I thought I was in love with someone else."

Marinette felt a pang in her chest. "Someone else?" She questioned.

Adrien sighed. No matter how badly he tried to go around their superhero persona, he couldn't. That was a major part of the story.

Adrien nodded. "I was in love with Ladybug," he confessed. "Little did I know that was the other side of you," he chuckled.

"I hurt my head for so long struggling with my feelings for you and Ladybug without a clue that it was still the same girl."

"What?" Marinette was confused. What was that supposed to mean?

"Everything will make sense later, princess. I promise," Adrien reassured.

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