Chapter 22- A new development

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*** Happy Birthday to me! To celebrate my birthday, I decided to update. I hope you like it. I am grateful to spend another year of life writing for my loyal readers. I usually do not do this often, but if you would like to show me some love for my birthday, you can cash app me at $michellesosa42. I appreciate it. Sending love, MMF***

"I will, kid. I promise. We'll see you soon."


Adrien didn't have the energy to remain transformed. He didn't even make it halfway back to Marinette's room before his transformation came undone, and he fell on the floor in tears.

The blonde couldn't believe how fucked up his life had turned out to be. His mother was gone, his father was Hawkmoth, and his girlfriend-his girlfriend was trapped and tortured by his villain of a father.

Adrien's head pounded as he thought of the current events. How could his father be so cruel? Adrien always knew he was cold, but that was straight-up heartless.

Even after hearing it, the blonde couldn't believe it, but as he jumped out, it became clear. There were in the Agreste mansion. How he didn't see it before was beyond him. Ladybug warned him, but it was hard to believe his father could be capable of doing such harm. But he was!

He terrorized Paris for months, placed him and Marinette in danger countless times, and now he was attempting to take her from him. Marinette was right. He would never be able to forgive him. Adrien just hoped that Plagg would keep his promise. He just wanted Marinette back.

"Adrien?" Carapace called out, walking into the alleyway.

"Nino," he cried, running towards his best friend's arms, sobbing, and Nino froze. The turtle's miraculous holder shook as he held his best friend. It couldn't be. Marinette was alright. Right?

"M-Marinette?" Carapace whispered in fear.

Adrien cried harder. "M-my father," he sobbed, and Carapace furrowed his brows in confusion, quietly letting out a sigh of relief that Marinette was not dead. "What?"

Adrien struggled to speak. Everything was so overwhelming, yet he knew he had to calm down. Hawkmoth planned to kill Marinette and turn him into an Akuma. He would certainly not allow his father to do the following, even if it took ending his life.

"My father. He is Hawkmoth," Adrien finally confessed, earning a gasp from Carapace, who quickly hugged the blonde harder and apologized.

"I am so sorry, man. I can't imagine how difficult that is."

"I can't believe it. I can't believe my father would do something like this to Paris, TO ME!"

"You want to know the worst part?" The blonde asked as another tear dropped. "The worst part is that he planned to kill my girlfriend and turn me into an Akuma! He is willing to take everything I love from me without care. And it's my fault!" He yelled.

Carapace was extremely confused. What was Adrien saying? How was any of this his fault?

"Adrien, I know that you feel like it's your fault, but it's-"

"But it is!" The blonde interrupted. "If I had listened to her, we could have stopped him since the beginning. She suspected he was Hawkmoth before, but I didn't want to believe it. I refused to believe that my father could be Hawkmoth. I said everything to convince her she was wrong, and she trusted me. If I had listened to her, this would have never happened," the blonde cried.

Adrien looked at his orange sneakers in anger. He remembered Ladybug telling him that the Gabriel brand held the same moth design Hawkmoth used. Adrien remembered watching the Agreste mansion on the rooftops. Until he spoke, removing his father from the suspect list. That was his first and worst mistake. Because of him, Marinette was on the verge of death.

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