Chapter 36- Awake

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Adrien and Emily sat in silence as they drove to the hospital. Neither one knew what to say to the other. Emily wanted to have the relationship they did before she had gotten sick, but she knew Adrien needed time. Adrien knew he shouldn't blame his mother for what had happened, but he couldn't fight it. If Marinette had kept Tikki, if she had gone to the hospital right after defeating Hawkmoth, he would still have his princess. They could have gotten married in a few months.

"Where's Tikki?" Adrien's voice broke the silence. Emily cleared her throat before answering. "She wanted to be returned to some type of box." Adrien nodded, understanding. At least no one else would take his princess's place.

"Son, I-"

Adrien shook his head, refusing to listen. "Not now, Emily, please," he whispered, and the blonde woman's eyes shimmered with tears. Emily? To him, she was Emily now. "Emily?" she asked in shock. Adrien didn't answer nor look at the woman. "I just want to get to my princess, please," he continued.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Both blondes fought back the tears for different reasons. Adrien couldn't wait to see the love of his life again. Now that he knew she was not dead, he would do whatever it took to have her in his arms, saying I do.

The model's leg bounced up and down as he saw the hospital in eyes view. He was becoming impatient. A month! He had spent the whole month crying and mourning the love of his life. All this time, Adrien believed Marinette to be dead. But she wasn't. She was in a hospital, waiting for him to wake her up.

As soon as the car came to a stop, Adrien wasted no time jumping out and running through the hospital doors. For a second, he thought he was overreacting since the only one who knew Marinette's room number was Emily, but when Adrie saw the Dupain Chengs in the lobby, he had a breath of relief.

But that was for a second.

And only for a second.

The thought of failing them hit hard at once.

He didn't save their little girl. He promised he would always protect Marinette, but he had failed them.

Letting his tears fall freely, he ran into their arms. For a second, Adrien believed they would push him away. He thought that they would curse him out and kick him out of the hospital for being a failure, but he was surprised when the couple embraced him tightly. Almost as if they had been waiting for him.

"I'm so sorry," he sobbed.

"I failed you. I failed Marinette! I couldn't protect my princess. I'm so sorry."

The Dupain Chengs cried with him.

"Shhh, my boy. It's not your fault. Marinette had a plan that no person could stop. We wanted to tell you, my boy, but she- she-" Tom cried, unable to finish his sentence.

"We have you been, Adrien?" Sabine asked through her tears. "We were worried about you. We spent days and nights out looking for you. We thought we lost you. Marinette would have never forgiven us if we didn't keep our promise," she confessed, holding the boy tighter.

"Promise?" The blonde questioned.

"To protect you, son."

Adrien sobbed harder at the lady's words. "I'm sorry. I panicked. I thought she was gone, and I had to leave. I couldn't live here without her."

"She is here, son. She is still here."

"Can I see her? Please, I need to see her."

"Of course, son."

Emily watched as her son ran towards the Dupain Cheng's arms as if they were the only family they had. He gave them the loved she wanted to receive since waking up that day, but she couldn't blame him. Emily had learned from Alya that the couple had been his family when Gabriel turned on him. They had given the blonde the love and support he didn't receive for his flesh and blood. But still, she couldn't help but be hurt by his actions. Still, she chose to ignore it and follow them to the room.

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