Chapter 34- Close to the end-2

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 The fight was coming close to the end.

But she had seen it coming. Gabriel's words were a warning to her. He had let her know he was losing the fight and fast. The man had tried. Ladybug saw him give it his all. But in the end, he failed.

Ladybug could find her strength any longer. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she began to lose consciousness.

"Father, stop!" Chat Noir yelled as he watched his girlfriend fade. But Ladybug was not done yet.

Her eyes shot open the second she heard the fear-filled voice of her boyfriend. A voice in her head screamed for her to take his miraculous. Reaching for his collar, Ladybug's hand wrapped around Hawkmoth's miraculous, pulling it off his shirt and dropping it to the ground.

Before she knew it, Gabriel detransformed, and she came crashing to the ground, the knife in her gut plunging deeper inside.

Blood poured everywhere. 

"Princess!" Chat Noir yelled, running towards his fallen girlfriend.

"Marinette, my love, open your eyes," he begged.

"You can't leave me, you can't fucking leave me," Chat Noir yelled.

"Adrien, I am so sorry," Gabriel cried, reaching for his son.

"Don't touch me! Don't you fucking touch me!" Chat Noir hissed out.

"Luka, please. You have to help her," Chat Noir begged.

Viperion cried as he watched the girl he loved in a pool of her own blood.

But he had a promise to keep.

No matter how painful it was, he had promised her not to do so.

"I can't, Adrien. I can't."

"Please," he begged. "I can't live without her. Please help me," Chat cried.

"A-Adrien?" Ladybug called out as her eyes opened weakly.

"Oh my God, princess. You are alive. I thought I lost you. Damn it, Marinette, don't scare me," Chat Noir breathed out.

Ladybug smiled weakly. If only she could promise not to do so, but she knew it wasn't true, all she wanted was to keep one last promise before allowing sleep to take over her.

Ladybug reached for the knife in her stomach, ready to pull it off, but Chat Noir stopped her before she could do so.

"Don't!" He yelled in a panic. "Princess, you can bleed out if you do. Please, stop."

"Son, I-"

Chat Noir glared at Gabriel, making the man stopped speaking. "Shut the hell up! Luka, get some help, please!"

"Chaton, breathe. It was not his fault. The power was too strong to stop. Take me to your mother," she called out. Her voice shook as she attempted to hide the pain.

"Princess, now it's not the time."

"Please, Chat."

Chat Noir sighed as he attempted to stand up.

At that exact moment, Rena Rouge and Carapace jumped through the window with worry in their eyes.

"Ladybug," Rena called out as she ran toward he best friend.

"Nino, get help, hurry!" The heroine yelled as she helped Chat Noir lift her friend.

"Rena, I need to get to Emily," she whispered.

Rena's eyes widened at the words of her friend. No, she couldn't really want to continue this plan when her life was in danger, right?


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