Chapter 25- A plan is born

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Adrien looked at his girlfriend in disbelief as he weakly sat on her bed.

"What?" He questioned. Adrien was almost sure that he didn't hear her correctly. Either that or she must have still been under the effects of the medicine because there was no way she meant that. Ladybug needed her Chat Noir. They were a team, and this sounded like his lady didn't want him by her side. That's not it. It couldn't be.

Marinette bit her lip and looked away. She could feel his eyes burning a hole through her skin. Marinette was sure he was probably thinking a load of horrible things, but it wasn't like that. She didn't want to cause him more pain than he was already feeling. How could she ask him to go against his father? She couldn't.

Gabriel was the only parent Adrien had left, and while he was being strong at the moment for her, Marinette doubted the blonde that could have the heart to do what needed to happen to stop Hawkmoth once and for all. Even if he could, she couldn't ask that from him.

"It's for the best," she whispered, her eyes remaining far from his as she spoke. Marinette was afraid to look him in the eyes. She could almost feel the anger of betrayal radiate from them. If she was being honest by doing this, she was risking her relationship with the love of her life, but that was a risk that she was willing to take if it meant he would be safe.

"I don't understand. Marinette, what are you saying?" Adrien asked, still refusing to believe his partner wanted to face Paris's worst villain without him. She almost died the first time. There was no way in hell he would allow his father to hurt her again.

Marinette sighed as she turned her vision to her hands, which fiddled with her fingers nervously. She really hoped he would understand, but from the looks of it, he would fight her on this.

"You know what I am saying exactly, Adrien."

"No, I don't because it sounds like my girlfriend and partner don't want me by her side in a hugely dangerous moment of her life, and that can't be right. I must be going crazy," Adrien responded almost sarcastically.

"Look at me, Marinette. Look me in the eyes and tell me this is all a joke, please."



"Look at me, Marinette. Please look at me. You can't really be serious. You always said we would do this together. Please, explain what is happening because I am not understanding.

Marinette's eyes watered with the helplessness in his voice. Finally, she slowly looked into his eyes, finding them mirror her own.

Adrien was confused. Looking into her eyes, he could see it. The love and admiration were still there, but there was also fear, sadness and worry. Yet nothing in her eyes told him she didn't want him to be there, so what was he missing?

"Look, I know that what I am asking is a lot, but-"

"What you're asking for is crazy!" The blonde interrupted, feeling hurt.

"Hawkmoth isn't just anyone, Adrien!"

The model gasped and stood up in disbelief and anger. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was she suddenly afraid of him?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do you think I am going to betray you? What, you don't trust me anymore? You no longer love me because I'm a villain's son?" Adrien yelled, feeling hurt.

Marinette flinched at the sound of his voice. She knew he would misunderstand it.

"I- that's not what I meant, and you know it, Chaton."

"Then what is it? Why don't you want me to have your back?"

"I don't want you to get hurt, okay?! It's not about trust because heavens know I trust you with my life, and it is certainly not that I don't want you to be there with me because there is no other person I rather have as my partner than the guy I love, because I love you, Adrien. I really do. I will always love you no matter who your father is, but I don't want you to get hurt!" Marinette cried.

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