💦Chapter 31💦

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Unknown POV

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Unknown POV

I rubbed my temples feeling the impending headache surfacing. The past few nights have been hell due to lack of sleep and my mood was beginning to sour because of it and the incompetence I'd been faced with when it came to the association. I didn't spend over 20 years undercover for these idiots to blow it now. A sharp knock came from the door. My eyes drifting that way before dropping my hands and voicing a gruff 'come in'. The man entered, his form beginning to fold into a low bow until I waved it off.


"I've just received word that four of the kings will be heading to Merene. To the best of my knowledge, the other four are remaining in Kriton."

"And the girl?"

"To stay in Kriton as well."

The best news I'd heard in a while. One corner of my lips quirked up, to be quickly dashed away as I leveled a glare onto the man again.

"Any news as to which one's bonded to her?"

He shifted in place, eyes dropping to the floor before shaking his head hesitantly.

"No sir. There's suspicion that it may be King Hongjoong considering she's been residing in Kriton for the time being, but haven't been able to confirm."

Excuses. I was surrounded by them all the time. The headache making its presence all the more apparent the longer he spoke. I flicked my wrist to get him to shut up, a sneer twisting my features.

"Don't waste this opportunity. Four is better to take on than eight. Kill them if you have to but bring the girl to me."

The man nodded and bowed once more before taking his leave. I winced as the door slammed shut behind him. The noise piercing to my pounding head. This entire job shouldn't have been as difficult as it was. But the revelation of a newfound potential mate threw a wrench in the whole operation. I can still see the absolute shock coloring the late Nirian king's face when he touched her for the first time. My suspicions confirmed when I got wind of the king himself granting audience to her father.

Clearly if he'd gotten the chance, he would've saved her for his son, hoping against the odds that they were destined bondeds. It's clear she belongs to one of them, they wouldn't have kept her around otherwise. While it wasn't entirely impossible for one of the four en route to Merene now was bonded to her, the chances of a newly bonded dragon leaving his potential mate was incredibly low. It was probably a safe bet to assume the one still resided with her.

Either way, I sighed, picking up the letter I had received a few hours ago confirming the diversion was underway. I let the corner of it hover next to the candle I had perched on the desk, the flame catching it and quickly eating the parchment. The easiest way to a dragon is through their mate. They're weaker apart and I'll tear them down one by one.

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