💦Chapter 35💦

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The first thing my hazy consciousness realized was how hot it was

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The first thing my hazy consciousness realized was how hot it was. I could feel the perspiration on my forehead running down my skin making me feel unbearably sticky and uncomfortable. The source of the heat enveloped me and I needed out, now. I let out a soft groan as I tried to move, eyes blinking open blearily only to close again at the brightness of the light in front of me. The crackling of the fire registered next, my mind finally catching up enough to understand that the flames coupled with the body wrapped around me from behind was responsible for the increase in temperature around me.

I rolled away from it, the lessening intensity of light making it easier to open my eyes. It was still dark out, the moon just barely visible through the thick fog that laid over the land around us. The trees and forest surrounding the meadow we were in eerily quiet in the still of the night. I was glad for the crackle of the fire to break the silence on occasion. I looked up from my makeshift swaddle I found myself in. Not only did I still have Yunho's coat from earlier, but it seems I had acquired San's too sometime while I was sleeping. Which was making it a tad bit difficult to wiggle out of. My movements roused Wooyoung, a soft whine bubbling out of his parted lips as he tightened his hold around me. A surprised grunt left me as he rolled us over, planting me on the other side of him and coincidentally, between him and San.

I must have served as the new bestest cuddle partner because San wasted no time in throwing an arm and a leg over me, cheek nuzzling the top of my head. I had to admit that being between the two of them was nice. And if I didn't currently feel as if I were ready to start boiling alive, I would have happily fallen asleep again. I wiggled again, my soft grunts of effort resorting to whines as I struggled.

"Woo." I mewled, on the verge of waking him just as I managed to free an arm.

Unfortunately, with the force I was using to try and free myself, my arm popped out all the sudden, my hand flying back and nailing San in the face. My apology mostly covered his pained groan, his palm covering his nose as he pulled away from me. It took less than two seconds for a sleepy Wooyoung to digest the situation, a piercing cackle echoing across the clearing as he laughed at San's expense.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized again, grabbing his wrist to pull his hand away from his nose.

My other hand cupped his cheek, angling his head downwards so I could inspect the damage. He scrunched his nose, the action kind of cute if I knew he hadn't been doing it to relieve some of the ache.

"It's okay. I know it wasn't on purpose."

"Would it have mattered if it was?" Wooyoung snorted, groaning as he stretched out his tired muscles behind me.

"No probably not." San chuckled, bridging the gap between us and resting his forehead on mine.

I huffed a laugh, shaking my head as I began to pull away. Only to be stopped short when San pulled me back to him.

"It's good to see you awake and laughing again." He sighed happily, guiding me into a slow and lazy kiss.

It ended almost as soon as it started with the whine behind us.

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