Chapter 27

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My feet carried me down the hall quickly

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My feet carried me down the hall quickly. Trying to put as much distance between Yunho and I as possible. My head was reeling with what had just happened. I didn't hate it. Quite the opposite in fact. I wanted him. I wanted more with him. I wasn't sure how far I was willing to go, but something inside me told me I would have given him everything and offered more if I could. And that scared me. It wasn't as if I had never been intimate with a man before. I lost that excuse a long time ago. But the weight of knowing what it meant to them scared me.

Not just Yunho, but all of them. I had bonded with several of them and to make a decision like that based on urges in the heat of the moment wouldn't be fair.

How would the others feel? Just the thought of how disappointed they'd be made my stomach churn. But remembering the look on Yunho's face as I ran away also felt like a punch to the gut. I was so conflicted. The intensity of all my emotions reducing me to tears, blurring my vision as I navigated my way through the halls. As I rounded the hallway corner that would lead me to the staircase heading to the second level, I crashed into someone. A soft grunt leaving me when my nose bumped into their chest hard, and I was nearly knocked off balance.

"What the-"

I jerked my chin up, eyes widening in horror as I took in the bright red head of hair in the darkened hall. Jongho cut himself off, his annoyance quickly turning to confusion and then concern as he looked down at me. I dropped my face, rubbing persistently at the tear tracks I knew still stained my cheeks. His hands grabbed my wrists, halting my movements as he ducked his head to look at me.

"Y/N? What's wrong?"

I shook my head. Refusing to look at him and cursing myself as the tears continued to fall ceaselessly. This was exactly what I wanted to avoid. It was bad enough that I knew my own indecencies, but for them to know now too was another wave of anxiety that piled on top of the already insurmountable summit.

"Clearly, there's something wrong. Tell me and I-" He paused mid-sentence.

The sudden silence worried me enough to peek up at him. His brows were furrowed as he stared down at me. The slight tilt to his head curious. Something I would have found kind of cute if I weren't in the situation I found myself in and if he hadn't been leaning in closer. My panic spiked, feet backpedaling and would have sent me to the floor if it hadn't been for Jongho's grip on me.

I threw my hands up, hoping to hold him off. His hold on my arms tightened, grip twisting to turn my hand, wrist up. He dipped his head towards it, my blood running cold as I could almost hear him sniff me. Yunho. He was smelling Yunho. The look in his eyes hardened, gaze turning hot with rage and a low growl built in his chest.

"That son of a bitch." He spat, dropping my hands, and taking a heavy step in the direction of the infirmary.

"No! Your Highness!" I frantically scrambled in his way, intent on stopping him before he could get too far.

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