Chapter 23

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The storm outside raged

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The storm outside raged. Hongjoong was right about it being a bad one. Thunder shook the very walls of the castle. The vibrations doing nothing to settle my nerves. Growing up in Nirian, there were hardly ever any thunderstorms to this degree. By the time they crested the mountains on the far end of the kingdom, their power had waned significantly leaving the city with little more than a rain shower. It was obvious that Kriton did not have that saving grace. The torrential downpour outside only visible when lightning lit up the night. But I could hear it more than I needed to see it. It thudded against the rooftops and pinged the glass windows.

Somewhat soothing when it wasn't accompanied by the ground shaking roar of thunder close behind it. After dinner, I had gone to check on Yunho again. He was still asleep, not as much as a muscle moving. I had half a mind to ask Hongjoong if it was normal for one to be unconscious as long as he had, but considering he had been poisoned heavily, even by a dragon's standards, I suppose I couldn't do much other than wait anyway. I intended to stay by his side again tonight. I was confident I wouldn't be able to get much sleep with the weather how it is anyway. I currently waited in Hongjoong's library. Figuring that would be a better place than any for a private conversation.

I didn't expect him to show up right away considering I had decided to wait here rather suddenly. Instead of having him come to find me, I thought it best I be easier to locate. Between the time it took for me to hunt down one of the castle staff to let him know and find the room, I didn't think I'd have long to wait. I watched the storm outside, what I could of it anyway when a soft thunk drew my attention across the room. At first I was confused, thinking maybe I had imagined the sound, until just as quiet bootsteps rounded the corner and someone picked up the book I had failed to notice that had fallen off the shelf.

"Oh, Your Highness." I addressed Yeosang, who looked just as surprised to see me here. "I didn't realize someone else was already here."

He shook off his surprise, placing the book back on the shelf where it had been with a soft smile.

"Just Yeosang is fine. No need to address me so formally. I imagine we'll be on the same standing one of these days."

The casual way he said it made me blush. Subtly insinuating that he expected I would eventually accept the bond between one of my potential mates and choose to become queen to one of their kingdoms.

"Right." I murmured, dropping my head.

It wasn't that I was repulsed by the idea, more that it was a tad bit overwhelming to think about. I grew up a commoner. That was all I knew. Being here, surrounded by all of them was beyond intimidating. A lot of their mannerisms and lifestyle foreign to me despite having grown up under one of their rule.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

I lifted my gaze to him again. His head tilted curiously as he watched me.

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