Chapter 28

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Jongho's POV

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Jongho's POV

It wasn't really my intention to watch her sleep. At some point while working I realized how quiet it truly was in the room. A quick glance over to the bed confirmed my suspicions that she had finally fallen asleep. Her deep breaths the only sound now that I had abandoned my post at my desk. The dessert she had left sat untouched and I stared at it while I listened to her breaths. Figuring it couldn't hurt to try it, especially since she was kind enough to want to share it despite having not eaten much yesterday, I picked up the spoon.

Knowing that sweets weren't exactly something I cared for, I took a hesitant bite. The burst of sugariness on my tongue making my face scrunch in disgust. I quickly returned the spoon, lips smacking together as I tried dispelling the taste as fast as I could. Hoping my distaste didn't wake her, I tentatively looked back towards the bed. She slept soundly, covers pulled almost all the way to her chin. I wasn't even aware of my approach. One second I was beside the desk and the next, I was across the room, less than a foot from the bed.

She looked peaceful. No trace of the worries that ailed her earlier though I was sure they'd be back when she woke up. Her hair fell in her face, the soft puffs of air with every exhale causing the errant strands to tremble. It was strange. Having her here in my room, much less my bed. Usually, I'd have issue with someone invading my personal space. I didn't feel that same sense of violation with Y/N though. Quite the opposite actually. I liked seeing her in my bed and my clothes. Loved how she smelled like me. My shampoo embedded in her hair and skin. Her scent mixing with mine in an intoxicating aroma.

Unconsciously, I reached for her. Rubbing the stray strands of her hair between my fingers before brushing them behind her ear. I let them linger, prolonging contact I knew I'd be too cowardly to do if she weren't sleeping. Some part of me wanted to protect her. Finding her in the hall earlier with tears running down her face incited a fear within me that I hadn't ever felt for someone else before. I didn't know about my dragon half, but my human self wanted her.

San was right. I'm envious that she shared a bond with them. The possibility that she could possibly be bonded to all eight of us was both intriguing and terrifying. I sighed softly, kneeling down next to her and threading my fingers through her hair. It was soft. She was soft.

My touches must not have been as soft as I intended them to be. She shifted in her sleep, the movement startling me enough to pull away sharply and stand, taking several quick paces away from her in case she did wake up. I waited until she settled, letting her breathing fall into another deep pattern before rubbing my face tiredly. I needed a break. Or an excuse to walk away from her right now lest I be tempted to crawl into bed beside her. My eyes landed on the half-eaten dessert still sitting on the edge of my desk. I grabbed it, quietly crossing the room and being mindful of the click of the door as I shut it upon my exit. It was much later now. The castle was quiet although I wouldn't be surprised if anyone else were awake. Especially Seonghwa. I was convinced he never slept.

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