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Hi! Welcome in!

If this is your first story from me, I'm glad to have you here! And if you're already familiar with my work, welcome back! Either way, I'm ecstatic to share this next journey with you.

This story will be a little different. It's my first Ateez fic, but I'm just as excited to share it.

This will be an Ot8 fantasy au. I did a lot of world building for this particular story, so hopefully, it all translates well, and we can have a good time with it.

Let's get all the disclaimers out of the way 😊

1) I DO NOT know Ateez personally. Nothing written here is meant to portray them as people. Simply as character holders for the story I've created and is not meant to reflect the members in any way, shape, or form. This is just for fun.

2) This story is cross posted to Tumblr ONLY. It is the only other platform I am allowing it to be posted on, so if this story is found on any other site under any other name (except MonTiny_ABebe because that was another account of mine) it is stolen. Please don't take stories and repost without permission or plagiarize. It's a big no-no, and I don't take it lightly.

3) This story is rated MATURE. It will contain violence, death, blood, physical injury, sexual content, etc. I don't include warnings before chapters except for ones that have sexual content, seeing as how those don't have to necessarily be read for story development. Therefore, unless you can handle potentially triggering content similar to what's been listed above, please don't read. It will be at your own risk.

4) There will be smut. I write it. Honestly, I enjoy writing it. It gives me an opportunity to show the depth of the emotional connection between my characters in a more intimate setting. You're more than welcome to skip it, but I won't nix it just because it makes someone uncomfortable. So, chapters that include sexual themes will be marked with 💦

Again, SMUT = 💦

5) I very much enjoy interacting with my readers. Whether that's through comments here, my message board, or direct messages. Don't feel intimidated reaching out. I promise I don't bite. With that said, if your goal is to just bash my story/writing or just be mean in general, I will block you. I can accept constructive criticism. No decent writer ever made it very far without it, and I'd really appreciate any mistakes to be made known to me so I can fix them. But there's a difference between helping and being nasty. And there's no place for anyone to be rude here or on any other writer's page.

My next point is that this story is incredibly UNEDITED. I haven't found an editor for my Ateez works yet, so unless that happens, you'll have to wait for me to loop back around and edit it myself 😊

6) This will most likely have slowish updates. Tumblr is my primary platform, so I usually update several chapters over there before posting here. So, if you don't particularly care to wait, the story over there will be ahead of what's being posted here. Usually, I'll wait until I have 10+ chapters written before sharing them here.

I think that's it! Hope you enjoy the story and give it lots of love! I'm really proud of this one 🥰

Inception (Ateez Ot8 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now