Chapter 32

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Coming to terms with the disclosed information wasn't as difficult as I had expected it to be

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Coming to terms with the disclosed information wasn't as difficult as I had expected it to be. It still took me a couple of days, but overall, I had come to the conclusion that the unexpected was to be expected when it came to them. They weren't normal human beings and our relationship wasn't normal either. Finding out that I would come to inherit some of the abilities was probably the least shocking thing I'd come to learn in the time I'd been with them. Not to say it wasn't important information. I'm glad it was brought up. I'd have rather known beforehand and think of the consequences of my decision before I made it versus coming to terms with it when I couldn't anything about it later.

Seonghwa saved me in that respect. He's always the one saving me. Either from our enemies or myself. The low rumbling of thunder in the distance pulled me from my thoughts. My attention focusing back in on Mingi who, despite his sparring partner being gone for the time being, maintained his strict training schedule in the courtyard. Luckily, things between him, San, and I weren't awkward. As strange as that may sound considering what had happened between the three of us, neither of them let it come between each other, or me. Actually, the only thing that did change was one of the two coming to find me more often throughout the day.

Both using the excuse that I shouldn't be cooped up inside all day. Especially while the weather was nice, seeing as Kriton's sunny and clear skies were few and far between according to the two of them. So, San took on the job of joining me for daily walks in Jongho's place while Mingi began inviting me to his training sessions. Not that I was much company, I spent most of the time sidelined and just watching the dauntingly large man swing his sword in large arcs and precise movements. Which... I realized I didn't mind. Not only was the display impressive to say the least, but something about him doing it made it look elegant. More like dancing than a deadly wager of lives on the receiving end of it.

Not to overlook the fact that it was insanely attractive to watch him devote so much intense focus to his movements. His tawny skin soaked every bit of sun it could before the clouds in the distance could obscure it, a light sheen of perspiration covering his forehead and neck, the sweat dribbling down beneath the wide collar of his shirt. I couldn't help the tingles down my spine every time a soft grunt escaped his parted lips, or when he would shake his head to dispel the blue strands stuck to his forehead with the accumulating moisture. But I think my absolute favorite is when he'd eventually give up, tired of flicking the offending hair away and choose to tie it back instead.

Today didn't look like it would be one of those days as Mingi finally sheathed his sword. He turned his head at another low rumble of thunder, watching the clouds slowly make their way towards us over the land. I picked up his canteen, making my way to him. His head turned on my approach, soft smile curling one corner of his lips as he took the water from me.

"Seems like this storm is going to be a bad one."

I flicked my gaze in that direction. The dark grey clouds flashing with the lightning momentarily before settling into an ominous dark shade once again.

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