Chapter 22

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"Y/N. Wake up."

I groggily opened my eyes. Stretching in San's arms in the same position I had fallen asleep in. If I were being honest, I couldn't remember the last time I had slept so soundly. Having been a long time even before being on the run for the second time. I don't even think I had such deep dreamless sleep since my dad was killed. Most of my nightmares centered around what had happened to him. Lifting my head off San's chest, I peeked up at him.

He was also just coming out of his post-sleep haze. Looking much better than he had earlier. Rustling beside me alerted me to the fact that someone had been calling my name. I looked over, surprised and admittedly happy to see Mingi.

"Mingi." I whispered elated, sitting up from my place on San.

I wasn't sure what came over me. Whether I was still experiencing some lucid state or if I had somehow slipped under a scent high of my own being wrapped up in San for so long, but I reached for him. My body engulfed his, arms wrapping around his wide shoulders while I pressed into him. Nearly catching him off balance as he squat next to the couch San and I had been curled up on. He seemed surprised, movements a bit stiff as he held me closer to him to keep me from falling onto the floor.

San chuckled seeing how wide Mingi's eyes were. "She's unexpectedly needy."

"This, doesn't bother you?" Mingi asked him.

"I would have thought so. I grew up hearing my father talk about he couldn't stand other males anywhere near my mother, so I would have expected the same. But no. My dragon is at peace seeing her with you."

Mingi grunted in response. His arms tightening around me almost imperceptibly now that he had San's consent. Not that I was aware of how that worked. I was still ignorant to most things related to dragons. But that wasn't really a fault of mine. It seemed that a lot of information having to do with the royal family and their otherworldly halves went unknown by the general public.

"What about you?" San returned the question.

I felt Mingi shake his head above mine. "No. I haven't felt any malice towards any of you. Even after finding out she shared other bonds."

"Strange isn't it?"

"Mm. Nothing about this situation is really normal." He chuckled.

The sound was hypnotizing. This overwhelming urge within me begging me to make him laugh just so I could hear it again. Some part of me just missed him though. I felt like he's been uncharacteristically absent since we arrived at Hongjoong's. Probably more me than him though. I'd been preoccupied with other concerns. Namely Yunho who I was becoming even more worried about the longer he remained unconscious. As if the thought of him was what I needed to snap out of the tenderness of this moment, I pulled back, meeting Mingi's eyes.

"Any news of Yunho?"

"He still sleeps. I actually came to get the two of you for dinner."

"Dinner?" I frowned, looking out the windows.

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