Chapter 30

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I've been avoiding them

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I've been avoiding them.

Err, well, some of them. Mostly Yunho and Seonghwa, but Hongjoong's made the list too considering I haven't quite forgiven him since the last time we spoke. It felt like I was in a constant war with my own feelings. Torn between just giving into them and seeing where they got me and tamping them down so I could at least pretend these men didn't have as much hold over me as they truly did. Of course, the eight of them lived to make sure that was damn near impossible.

San's been set on fetching me for every meal, making sure I at least had dinner with them if I hadn't seen them at some point throughout the day. Wooyoung had a tendency to sniff me out. Whether for his own entertainment or to pull me out of the misery that's been my thoughts, remained to be seen, but it was never boring with him. We spent a lot of time in the kitchen together. There's even been a couple of times I'd wandered the halls and seen Yunho and Mingi outside in the courtyard, sparring with one another.

My mother had pretty much taken over Yunho's recovery. Only a couple of days after that night in the library where two of the last three bonds had been confirmed, Yunho was back on his feet. Much steadier and ready to get back to training. Mingi indulged him of course. Wooyoung told me it was in an attempt to distract him. Thinking it would allow me to have a few more days of space before Yunho would come to find me.

"And have no doubt. He will come find you. Eventually." Wooyoung chuckled, scraping the vegetables into the stew we had made for dinner one evening.

Hence, my avoiding Yunho. But even I knew how much of a coward I was being. I couldn't avoid the topic of what had happened between us forever. But I just couldn't wrap my head around it. What would happen if I let things progress between him and I? What does that mean for our bond? Or the bonds I shared with the others? Exactly what would I be getting myself into? I was still very much ignorant to not only them as royals, but also the entire world their dragon halves thrived in.

I was caught in limbo between my bonds and what to do about them, but also what I should do about the only one who had refused to find out. I was a fool to think Seonghwa and I were getting closer. He didn't seem the type. Especially not with someone he's only known a handful of weeks and has shared a couple of late-night snacks with. But at least when I didn't know any better, I could act normal around him. Now, I wasn't sure what I should say or how I should treat him. Ignorance is bliss as they say. And it truly was.

I hardly ever saw hide or hair of Hongjoong and Yeosang. But according to Wooyoung and San, the two of them typically locked themselves away in the library with work or reviewing war strategies. Lately, I've been told they've been keeping themselves occupied with the hunters we had run into back in Tregeron. Mingi had said it wasn't anything to worry about for now, but they were on the move. Some had settled in Kriton, just beyond the walls of the castle. So, for now, my mother and I were informed we shouldn't be outside unattended just to be safe.

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