Louis long shot -period

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''Your mom said you in a pissy mood?'' Louis asked closing the door behind me.

''Whats new?'' I said plopping on his couch rolling my eyes

''Come on there is no use rolling your eyes you dont have a brain back there no matter how hard they roll.''

I sighed ''You are pissing me off.''

I'll add another layer on serious though ''Get out your homework.'' Ignoring that I flopped on my stomach on his couch. A twinge of pain pulsated through my body I winced.

''You okay, I dont know Louis I feel kinda crappy I'm 13 and 3\4 I can take care of myself.''

Louis's tone sharpened ''Fine then take care of it yourself.'' I went to his bathroom . My stomach felt pain and plain weird. I peed and wiped. I saw blood on the tissue, the toilet bowl and my underwear. I started to cry a bit not knowing what to do I didnt want to tell Louis that I was dying. I tried to stifle my cries. Until i heard Louis's voice

''Hey sorry for my sarcasm back there is everything okay?'' I was crying louder I didnt want to tell him.

''Do you have bandaids?'' I questioned

''Wait why/'' He asked in an urgent tone

''I need to stop the bleeding. I just want my mom!'' I wailed.

''I need to come in okay?''

He came in the bathroom , I pulled my leggings back on.

'I shoed him the toilet.

I heard him laugh; ''Oh now this all explains your bitchiness you have your period.''

Oh. Yeah this does make some sense now.

''How do I make it stop, I don't want to deal with it.''

''Funny enough I don't get paid enough to deal with you, but you need to come with me to the store.''

I stared at him.

''Louis, I dont want to deal with this.''

He spun around ''Oh, and like I want to?'' He remarked. My face dropped.

''Please just get in my car.''

Louis royally pissed me off so I sat in backseat until we got to the store.

''What do you want?''

To not deal with this with him right now or even be with Louis.

He picked up a box of tampons throwing it in the cart. I stood on my tip toes, plucking it out

Hard pass, not down for a stick of cotton chillin in my pads it is.

Louis dragged me to another aisle.

''Louis cant I get a change of clothes at my house?' He shook his head adamantly.

''1. I'm not driving all the way across downtown to get you new underwear and pants and 2. Even if I wanted neither of us have the keys to your house, you know your mom is on a business trip have to watch you.''

I picked out some pajama pants and some underwear. We went back to the car crying still. I couldnt hold it anymore in the parking lot, I was slowly sobbing then louder and louder. I could tell people were starting to look

''You are crying so loud people are thinking I am kidnapping you.''

He tried shushing me. We got into the car.

My cries were the equivalent of a cranky toddler desperately needing a nap.

''I didnt mean I didnt want to deal with you I didnt want to deal with this situation, I mean you dont like it either. But what I want to do is comfort you, can you let me do that?'' I nodded my tears dripping on me.

''There is more happening under the surface than this huh?''

I nodded

''My lips twitched and trembled.

''Do you remember when I first met you?''

''Oh gosh yes.''

''You were sitting in a corner all alone at some neighborhood block party you were like 7 or 6 and I was 11 or early 12. We went on the bounce houses and you were just so nervously shy but you hung out with me until the party ended.''He started putting the car in ignition for the AC.

''I just miss you Louis. I miss that so much I miss you frickin much , and I miss your hugs and I thought you forgot about me.'' I was sniffling

''Yeah I never forgot about you, we are just both really busy you know. But I still know and remember you.''

I looked in his eyes.


''Never :] .'' He wiped away some tears driving back home.

We went inside he caught me off guard giving me a hug his hugs are stellar, made me miss old times.

I got changed into cozier clothes joining Louis

''I really wanted to go to the pool today, but I think cozying up with you on the couch is better.''

I sat by him on the couch him slowly he scooted towards me wrapping his arm around me . I succumbed to Louis melting into him as if I were a snowman on a 102 degree day in Arizona. . We ate Chinese takeout for dinner. He sat me in his lap until it was time for bed

He insisted I sleep in his bed and he can sleep in his bedroom couch.

''Arent you afraid that I could stain ?''

He shook his head ''I want you to feel okay in the night and not wake up sore or in pain take this advil.''

I asked if he could lie down with me until I fell asleep.

He then decided to give me a kiss on the cheek, made my night. He ended up sleeping in his own bed with me as you cant wake a sleeping person who's on your lap peacefully sleeping

Maybe I'll let this babysitter slide. Yeah maybe I will take his help.

AN: So sorry for such a sudden absence life has been a bit hard at the moment but I'm back:]

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