Chapter Seventy Two

Start from the beginning

"Can we leave now?" I asked the Head Alpha as Cami lowered her gaze back to the floor.

The Head Alpha shook his head and my heart sank. He was going to let us go right? Was still going to keep us here but not punish us? Why couldn't we leave?

"I require further information from you both before you can leave the premises." He clarified causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

"What information?"

"I need to know exactly what happened, no lies, the full truth." He stared us both down. "You will not be punished for any of your actions so tell me everything."

And by everything, the Head Alpha meant everything, every little thing that happened from when his nephew first came in contact with Cami to now.

Before we could begin Teresa left the room with her aunt Rosa. I wanted to thank her for saving both our lives, she didn't have to disclosure what had happened to her but she did anyway in order to save us and for that I would be forever grateful.

I would have to find her later on and profusely thank her on both mine and Cami's behalf.

The first line of questions were directed towards Cami and were about how they first met and what transpired between them each time he came into the coffee shop. The Head Alpha wrote down every single detail including everyone who worked at the shop.

I was hoping he would not ask Cami to repeat what that bastard did to her but he did, not the exact details like earlier just where it happened, when it happened and what Cami did after that.

The next set of questions were directed towards me and what I did as soon as I found out what happened. He grilled me for almost an hour, asking me for every single detail of my plan and how we carried it out.

Recapping and hearing back everything that had occurred was insane, it didn't seem real and sounded like some sort of plot from a movie or a book.

Both the Head Alpha and Alpha Alessandro seemed slightly taken aback with how careful I was and I could have sworn I saw Alpha Alessandro looking impressed at one point.

I tried not to look at Alpha Alessandro but it was hard not to given that he was staring heatedly at me throughout it all. When our gazes would meet, I would quickly look away and ignore the emotions that were displayed in his eyes.

"So his body is in an unmarked grave in Saddleworth Moors?" The Head Alpha questioned as he looked up from his book that he was writing all the information he had collated from us.

"Er, no." I told him as I looked at Alpha Alessandro. "I don't know where it is."

The Head Alpha raised an eyebrow. "You lost his body?"

"No, we did bury his body in Saddleworth Moors." I couldn't believe how causally we were discussing his nephew's dead body and it's location. "But it was moved."


Now would be a good time for you to jump in Alpha Alessandro!

When Alpha Alessandro said nothing, I let out a sigh and began my explanation. "Miles was the person who was sending me those messages, he saw what we did." I briefly explained the last messages he had sent me and how he came to be here.

"When the pack members dug at the place we had originally buried him, he wasn't there. He was gone."

"I moved his body to another location." Alpha Alessandro finally spoke.

The Head Alpha turned to his son and cocked his head. "You removed Harlan's remains and buried them somewhere else?"


The Head Alpha looked towards me and nodded. "I see. You did that for your human mate in order to protect her."

My traitorous heart began to beat rapidly at the thought of Alpha Alessandro wanting to protect me.

There was a tense silence before Alpha Alessandro nodded. "Yes."

"And where is this Miles now?"

"He's dead." I answered. "I didn't kill him." I quickly added before he could ask me whether I was the person who killed him.

"Alessandro killed him." He said it more as a statement than a question. "To protect you." There was another pause before he spoke again, this time his words were directed towards Alpha Alessandro. "I am assuming no one saw the pictures he took or the messages he sent the human, you destroyed everything."

Alpha Alessandro's response was the same as earlier, a nod and the word 'yes.' When the Head Alpha pushed further, Alpha Alessandro went into great detail about how he helped us cover up Harlan's murder.

The Head Alpha looked at his son and let out a laugh while shaking his head. "Right from the beginning, huh? When was it? The first time you saw her or the first time you heard her voice."

I frowned in confusion and turned towards Cami who also looked just as baffled by the Head Alpha's words. I didn't need to ask for clarification or wait a long time for one as the Head Alpha spoke again.

"When did you fall in love with her?"


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Do you think Alpha Alessandro is in love with Nala or is his dad wrong?

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

The story is coming to an end, only a few chapters left! Would anyone be interested in book two? Cami's story?

Thank you for reading  😊

-Kayy xx

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