I/V/VI) Brain Thoroughly Rotted

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Eww, I was watching someone react to Ridonculous Race on YouTube and the dude casually admitted to watching Andrew Tate.
Update: WTF is it with Ridonculous Race reactors and being super politically incorrect?! I found another guy like that.

Interesting how saying "You're shit," and "You're THE shit," mean opposite things.

My family and I are the furthest thing from having green thumbs. I'm trying really hard to keep a succulent that my cousin gifted me alive but I can tell I'm already doing something wrong. I hope the poor thing lasts as long as it can.

Okay so I'm playing the updated Our Life Now and Forever demo and I just want to say— it's so incredibly adorable and sweet that Tamarack and Qiu (especially Tamarack) will go out of their ways to help you if you're shy. Tamarack just offered to give my character's money to the cashier so he wouldn't have to.

I swear, I'm having, like, a middle school reawakening or something. A lot of the stuff I wanted to make or was obsessed with back then, I'm somewhat looping back around to. Specific YouTubers, characters I made (that are now overhauled but are still very much themselves), Ridonculous Race... IDK. I don't think I was a very good person in middle school— like, who actually IS a good person in middle school? But there's still stuff from that time that was foundational and which I still treasure.

Ridonculous Race Spoilers
Okay high key I'm feeling ready to burn this whole thing down. Ryan X Carrie was the better ship. Stephanie was severely abusive and Devin and Carrie were fine but it feels like they spent almost the whole game being super possessive of each other— Carrie at first, Devin toward the end. The Ridonculous Race picks really weird couples, honestly. The Goths are the healthiest couple in TD history but all of the other ships this season pursues are a hot mess. Furthermore, after eight years of being a fan, I've decided I no longer like Nemma. It drags on too long and is pretty much the focal point of every episode from the time Noah gets a crush to the time the Reality TV Pros are eliminated.

Too many songs are about romantic love.

Mild Ridonculous Race Spoilers
Here's a fun fact for you! The show absolutely never acknowledges this, but Jay does two (possibly three) Botch or Watches in a row! He drinks the stew in Morocco and then draws the picture in Paris. Which is interesting, because they have the whole discussion about Mickey's fear of pencils like he's the one who's going to draw (because he should)! But when they show three teams' pictures side by side in that one edit, it has Mickey's helmet, which implies that Jay drew it! They never get penalized for this, so I genuinely think it's an error and not something intentional. We never get to see who swims with sharks, but since Mickey grabs the tip from the Bullet Ants, it can be inferred that either:
A) Jay did a THIRD Botch or Watch, leading to it being Mickey's turn for the ants
B) Mickey also did it twice in a row to make up for Jay doing the first two.

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