III Other Things

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Yooooooo, I'm sorry to everyone waiting for the next part of LDOD. I'm having a really rough time getting the trial to flow the way I want it to. I think I could count it "Writer's Block." I'm probably gonna try writing something else just to get my mojo back. Here's a couple things you can (possibly, no promises) expect to see soon.

Life Partners Soulmate AU (which will probably delve further into their backstory)

A Geeky Essay. Likely the first one NOT about a specific character. It'll probably be about growing up in fandoms.

A Life is Better post-story one-off thing.

Maybe something Arcade Spirits or Hatoful Boyfriend related??? Idk, aside from Tangled, I haven't posted any non-DR stories.

But don't worry! I'll still be working on LDOD!

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