I/II/V/VI) Not Really a Christmas Edition

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Thoughts I've had over the last few weeks

The Dr. Stone OST is remarkably similar to something that would be in a Xenoblade Chronicles game. I don't know what exactly it is (probably the instrumentation???) but I was listening to "Master of Flame" while letting my music shuffle automatically, and if I didn't know exactly what it was, I may have been confused and wondered where it played in XC2.

There's this one really specific wrapping paper that my family has used these past couple of years, and I just realized that they probably finished the roll (and if they didn't already, they probably will by the end of this Holiday season). That makes me sad. The paper was this beautiful, rich dark green— my favorite color— and glossy. It was plaid, but very understated plaid. It shimmered. It was the very best wrapping paper. There's no real use documenting this, but 1 am Munchy decided it's of grave importance.

Cove Holden with blond hair (affectionately called Cove Golden by a random Twitter user) is such a weird trend. Seeing him with it just feels so wrong XD

There's this one scream. Like. Someone in a video game screamed. And it was damn good. But I don't remember who it was. I know it was a guy. Maybe it was Santa from 999? I need to check. Update: I was right!!!

Every now and again I remember that the Gardiner Brothers exist and get extraordinarily excited to watch some Irish Dancing.

It sucks when I see a really awesome Multi-Animator Project or Animatic or something like that and the art is fantastic, but the song they use is some really not good cover.

I've never been a chaotic person. In fact, it's literally a joke in our family that "We are nothing if not rule followers." But I did just have a thought. What if... I take all my books that are part of a series... and scramble them tf up?

I know I've literally talked about "Ready As I'll Ever Be" in one of these randomness chapters before. But DAMN. Every single animatic made for this song totally slaps!

Out of every character in the Ace Attorney series who only shows up in one case, I think Robin Newman is my favorite. Ron Delite is up there, too.

I feel like it should just be common courtesy to Spoiler tag if you're going to spoil something from several episodes later in the comments section of an early episode. (For reference, I'm specifically referring to Dimension 20, but this should apply to everything.) Obviously, it's okay to talk about what happened in the middle of the episode you're commenting on. If someone looks in the comments before finishing a video, they're ASKING for episode-specific spoilers. But don't talk about stuff from MULTIPLE episodes later without a spoiler tag!!! Just because the show may be old doesn't mean everyone in the world has already seen it, and a spoiler tag doesn't ruin anyone's fun!!!

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