III) Planning

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So I still have a little bit to go until the third murther occurs. Fortunately for everyone.

But now I'm starting to feel like I need to actually have a plan.

I swear, the first murther is the only one that I actually had fully realized before the fic started. I always knew who would murther who, but my plans just get more and more vague starting from trial one through four. I have a much better idea of how trial five works, but still.

I thought I had a decent idea of what would happen this chapter. But I started to overthink it, and now I think that would make this way too obvious.

But then there's a tiny part of me that thinks obvious would be kind of good, in this particular instance.

And I still have to write the victims (put parentheses wherever) FTEs. I only have one done. And I was so excited to do them back when I had to work on Chapter 2 Blackened's events. But of course since now these are the ones I HAVE to work on, my motivation really went "Later, b***"

Thank you for listening to me vaguely rant about my writing.

Hopefully whatever I come up with lives up to the other two chapters. I hope it lives up to its own set-up, cause I tried REAL hard to give this chapter some punch.

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