I/VI) Dating Sims

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I. Really like dating sims. I like them a lot. Not the gross ones. But just like, story and character-driven Visual Novels where Main Character-Chan gets to romance beautiful boys, gals, and/or nonbiney pals? Heck. Yes.

So I like dating sims. Not an unnatural hobby. Pretty normalish, even if their reputations precede them. Wanna know my two favorites?

 Wanna know my two favorites?

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Arcade Spirits. Really freaking pure, has a lot of character development and a pretty decent choice system. There's literally only one dateable character that I don't freaking adore, but I still hecka like them. GREAT OST. Like, killer soundtrack. Yes.

Now for my other favorite.

Now for my other favorite

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Not kidding

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Not kidding. Unironically really good and I'll preach about it forever and ever and ever. The characters, story, and method of exposition are top-notch. I own two plushies. The comedy is exceptional, which is to be expected considering it's birds, but the game somehow knows how to take itself really seriously when it needs to. Therefore, it executes its emotional moments really well. Basically, this game is a surprise and a half and I genuinely love it.

The settings for both of these games are really unique and clever, and the world building is done well. Obviously Hatoful Boyfriend is a little more confusing, but it genuinely does have its own logic. Both games have made me cry, which I like in a game. Just yessssssss.

I just thought it would be funny to give you guys a compare and contrast because both games look so different but I love them both.

Bonus Content: My Hatoful Boyfriend plushies

It's Kawara Ryouta and Fujishiro Nageki!!! Some very good boys!!!

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It's Kawara Ryouta and Fujishiro Nageki!!! Some very good boys!!!

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