III/VII) Random LDOD Statistics

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I was bored and I got curious. So here are a couple of random statistics involving some running gags or important occurrences.

Includes every chapter of LDOD currently in existence and every (currently published) FTE. Therefore, obviously, there are spoilers up to Ch.5 Deadly Life. You have been warned.

Does not include any oneshots, regardless of whether they're technically canon or not. This will likely be updated as I think of more stats.

I'll go in order of least to most common.

Number of times Tozen has said, "I'm fine," when he really wasn't fine: 5

Number of times Wakumi has slammed her foot on the table: 7

Number of times Yuu ran through the first floor hallway (exclusive to Ch.4): 8

Number of times Monterio's picked someone up: 9 (includes one occasion where Chimon climbed onto his shoulders, and then he promptly stood up and ran with Chimon still on his shoulders)

Number of times Bisque has gotten hurt physically (excluding his execution): 12

Number of times Yuu has laughed in anxiety: 12

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