Chapter 43: Brother, Do You Need Help with the Bags?

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However, they knew that Jiangning was truly not short of money.

"Mom, don't just stand there; go try on the clothes," Jiangning said, pushing Su Mei gently into the fitting room.

Lin Yuzhen pouted, "Jiangning, my mom asked you not to spend money recklessly."

"Wife, you're being too stingy," Jiangning looked at Lin Yuzhen, "Buying clothes for my mom is considered reckless spending?"

Lin Yuzhen blushed; how could she call her stingy? She simply... didn't have as much money as Jiangning.

Su Mei changed into some clothes and walked out of the fitting room. Lin Yuzhen was instantly stunned.

"Mom, you look beautiful!"

Su Mei had been quite attractive when she was younger, and that beauty was still there. When she put on some new, exquisite clothes, her overall aura instantly shone.

"So beautiful!"

Jiangning couldn't help but praise her, "My mom is really good-looking, and Dad is so lucky!"

Su Mei's face turned crimson as her child's compliments made her feel embarrassed. "Am I really good-looking?"

"Very good-looking!" Jiangning assured her. "I guarantee that when Dad sees you in these clothes, he'll have a nosebleed."

Su Mei blushed even more, looking very charming.

When they left the store, the saleswoman personally accompanied them out, as they couldn't let Jiangning carry all the bags himself; he was too valuable a customer.

"You don't have to go to work today. I'll hire you to carry my bags. Will ten thousand be enough?" Jiangning contemplated that he would also need to buy clothes for Lin Yuzhen and Lin Wen, in addition to cosmetics and skincare products. He realized that he might need another car to carry all the bags.

He turned around and the people who had followed him immediately rushed over. "Brother, do you need help with the bags?"

Jiangning thought that it might be necessary to get another car. The current BMW had too small a trunk, and all the shopping bags from their shopping spree almost didn't fit.

Back in the residential area, Su Mei's face still had a hint of blush. She went into the house first, and Jiangning and Lin Yuzhen slowly organized the things in the car before entering the house.


Hearing the door open, Lin Wen, who was resting, lifted his head. "Wife, you're back?"

When he saw Su Mei walk in through the door, his entire body suddenly froze. His eyes widened, and he was completely astonished. His gaze was one of complete amazement.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Su Mei's face turned even redder. "I just changed into some new clothes."

Lin Wen took a deep breath, and for a moment, his eyes were filled with raging fire. "Wife, you look beautiful!"

Su Mei's neck turned even redder.

"At your age, why are you talking like this?" She spat, then heard Jiangning and the others come inside. She quickly ran into the house. "I'll go change my clothes."

Jiangning carried dozens of bags, which made Lin Wen dumbfounded. "What's going on?"

"We bought a few things," Jiangning replied with a smile. "Dad, I bought you some suits."

"What are you doing, you rascal? Why are you wasting money? I don't wear suits now..."

"Mom picked them out."

Jiangning said three words that sealed Lin Wen's lips. "You can try them on later."

Then there were skincare products, cosmetics, and some items that Lin Wen didn't recognize. But when he saw one small object, he blushed instantly. Jiangning even bought this? Did he and Yuzhen reach that point already? That was too fast!

"For Mom and Dad, you can use these," Jiangning said, tossing the items over. Lin Wen quickly pocketed them, gave Jiangning a glare, and turned red.

"You little rascal!"

Lin Wen blushed even more, and his voice grew softer. He wanted to say a few more words, but Su Mei had already changed into her home clothes and walked out of the room. Lin Wen quickly shut his mouth and looked at Jiangning, asking with his eyes if Su Mei had seen the items he bought.

Jiangning immediately used his eyes to respond, indicating that she hadn't.

The two of them had developed such a strong rapport in such a short time.

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