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"Boruto, are you sure of what you're saying?"

"Yes Dad," I said with urgency, unsure what to do at the moment.

Should I stay here and wait for her to come back, or should I go back home? What will she do if I leave? What will I do if I stay? What is the best decision for me to make?

"Come back."

"But--" I started to say, when Naruto interrupted me.

"Just come back," Naruto said. "Tell the Umikage about your departure and come back home," he said with a stern voice.

I hesitated for a moment, but then I nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do that."

After hanging up the call, I sighed heavily and looked around. I was still unsure of what to do, but I knew I had to make a decision soon. I had to decide whether to stay and wait for her to come back or go back home.

I had so many questions in my head, and I couldn't find answers. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to gather my thoughts and make the best decision I could.

With a sense of determination, I walked upstairs and started packing my things. I had to make a decision and I had to act fast. I gathered my clothes and other belongings and started stuffing them into my bag.

As I packed, I thought about what I should do next. Should I go home now or should I wait a little longer?

I had so many questions in my head, and I still couldn't find answers. I knew I had to make a decision soon.

I paused for a moment outside Enkai's room as I was packing my bags. I looked inside the room and saw all of her belongings, and a wave of sadness washed over me. I thought of all the times we had spent together, playing and laughing. I knew I had to leave, but it was so hard to accept the fact that I was leaving without her.

I shook my head and forced myself to continue packing. With a heavy heart, I said goodbye to the room and continued down the hallway.

All these memories flood back into Boruto's mind from the first time they met, when he was walking around the village and she ran up to him, eager to introduce herself. He also remembered the time they spent together exploring the forests and mountains nearby, and the countless hours they spent talking and laughing together.

He thought of the days they spent studying and training together, the moments they shared when they were both feeling low, and the little moments of joy they experienced together.

He also remembered the conversations they had when they were just sitting together in silence, the moments when he was able to help her with her troubles, and the times when she helped him understand himself better.

He remembered the way she smiled when she was happy, and the way her eyes sparkled when she was excited. He thought of the moments when she hugged him tight, and the times when they shared a special look that said so much without any words.

He recalled all the moments they shared and all the memories they created, and he was overwhelmed with emotion.

With a heavy heart, I said goodbye to the room and continued down the hallway. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the house, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me as I looked back at the place I had called home for the past few months.

Taking a deep breath, I started to make my way towards the Umikage's office, feeling a sense of determination as I walked. With each step, I thought about the decision I had made and the path I had chosen.

Suddenly, the sight of the purple aura made me feel a chill run down my spine, as it reminded me of the last time I had seen it.

As I continued to stare at the purple aura, I knew that it meant danger was near and I had to be extra careful.

Though the more I waited, the purple aura seemed to be moving away from me and farther away towards the gates. I quickly snapped out of my reverie and realized I had to hurry after the danger. I took off at a sprint, determined to stop the evil before it could cause any more harm.

As I ran, I tried to forget the memories of the past few months, focusing instead on the task ahead. I was determined to stop the evil before it caused any more harm. As soon as I had made it past the gates, the thoughts of meeting the Umikage disappeared, and I was solely focused on the mission at hand.

As I continued to focus on the purple aura, I then saw something; a trail of blood that seemed to be coming from the direction of the aura. This made me even more determined to catch up with the danger and stop it before it could cause any more harm.

I ran faster, following the trail of blood and hoping that I would reach the source in time.

Thoughts came into my head like what if the blood is Enkai's - could this be the end of her? I pushed the thought away and kept running, determined to get to the source of the purple aura and save whoever it was in danger.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body as I ran. I knew I had to be fast, but I couldn't be sure if I was making it in time. I kept pushing myself, refusing to give up until I reached the purple aura.

I pulled my map out as it was getting dark, trying to get a better sense of where the purple aura was headed. I studied the map, running my fingers across the various roads and pathways that I could take to get to the danger.

I knew I had to cross the river, but I wasn't sure which bridge I should take. After a few moments of deliberation, I decided to take the bridge near a small village, as it was the shortest route.

I quickly folded the map and put it away, my mind now set on reaching the source of the purple aura before it was too late. I ran faster, determined to make it in time.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and hesitated for a brief moment. 

"Go home quickly," a voice whispered in my ear. . . . 

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]Where stories live. Discover now