A Love Step

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"So why are we here, in the middle of the forest?" Boruto questioned curiously, sitting on a branch close to the village.

"Because I have to deliver a messenger to someone," I answered again for the third time from this morning.

Since it would be very suspicious to send out the letter in the Leaf when they have extreme security after the near assassination, it would be better to send it in somewhere with hardly any security at this point.

"But why? It's like 6 in the morning," Boruto complained, stretching his arms in the air in exaggeration.

"Well I didn't ask to come with me, I'm a light sleeper remember," I said gently, wrapping the letter onto the bird's leg before letting it fly off to the North.

"You should remember that I'm supposed to be your bodyguard,"Boruto added, jumping off the branch and landed beside me.

"Why? Because I'm the daughter of the Legendary Iruka?" I teased lightly, seeing the slight annoyance on his face as he started to walk away.

"Or is it became no one cares if you're the son of the Hokage, a royalty in the Uzumaki clan and-"

"It's not that! It's just- well okay, maybe you're right," Boruto agreed in defeat, scratching his messy hair.

I laughed at his reaction as we started to walk back to the busy village, our schedule for the mission would start from today.

Our mission was to be a couple, a potential heir to be the future UmiKage since the current UmiKage, my great-grandfather, was getting too old for the job nowadays.

Though obviously we weren't trying to be a future candidate for the UmiKage position.

Kion had said the Ministers wanted my great-grandfather to be replaced quickly and having us there would slow down the process of that.

"Did Kion say what we have to do?" Boruto asked, passing the gate without anyone seeing us, as much as everyone was on guard, you could easily find gaps where security wasn't held at.

"We just have to act like a couple for and we'll probably be done in a week," I explained, waving at the children who bowed or waved at our way.

"Is that all? Might as well as just kiss in front of everyone and head back home," Boruto said without hesitation before getting smacked on the head.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I muttered clearly, tucking my hair behind my ear and walked faster.

What was with Boruto saying random things that made me nervous.

Boruto laughed at my reaction, rubbing the area that I hit before catching up to me.

"Well, we have to start somewhere,"

"Like what..."

A warm hand gently touched my fingertips before relaxing against my palm, leaving no space within the interaction untouched and entwined with mine without any further notice.

I was shocked once again at Boruto's behaviour but he looked embarrassed himself, his face was being covered by his other hand.

"Let's just be like this until we're at the house," Boruto mumbled softly, gripping tightly on the hand as if a sign to not let go.

Only nodding, the walk was continued in silence as some villagers stared at us with curiosity and gossip soon filled the air, some changed it at large and reached the wrong people.

'The Daughter of the Legendary Iruka is getting married'

'Enkai Umino-Hakate has a boyfriend'

'Miss Enkai is going to become the next UmiKage'

When we arrived at home, both of us were still quiet and our hands were still entangled as if it was a normal thing we do on a normal basis.

"Sorry about doing that suddenly," Boruto apologised quietly, letting my hand go in an instant. The feeling of just having the warmth and cosiness leave made me want to grab his hand and link them once again but I restrained myself.

"It doesn't matter," I responded, starting to make breakfast since both of us didn't have any before we left.

This did become a normal basis of ours, cooking meals for the both of us, I never expected to like cooking so much, especially when you hardly eat any in the first place...

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن