Sudden Realisation

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"Did you know him or the mother?" Mitsuki had asked after some hesitation as we sat on top of a building, our legs dangling off it.

I shook my head at his question. I've never seen or talked to that kid or the mom in my whole life, yet expressed such hate against me.

"Listen, just forget that just happened okay," I finally mentioned and Mitsuki frowned in shock, which was understandable. Who wouldn't be?

"Why? We have to tell the Hokage about this-"

"No, we don't have to, just don't tell anyone about this, especially Boruto, okay,"

Mitsuki looked unsure of my request.

"Please..." I pleaded, "I don't want this to become one big problem,"

"Oh- Okay, I won't tell anyone," Mitsuki announced, not happy with my choice. Bad things should be reported to the Hokage isn't it? Isn't that how it works?

"Thank you Mitsuki, I need to go now!" I exclaimed happily, waving goodbye to the unsure ninja and left him to himself.

Those eyes that child and mother had were just like Sadara's. Soulless and not usual.

Should I still tell Boruto? Though Enkai would be really angry with me if I do, Mitsuki thought anxiously, staring at the girl jump away into the distance...

"Enkai! You're finally here! I thought Academy closed ten minutes ago?" Iruka said worriedly, petting Asmodeus on the head.

"Why is Asmodeus here?" I questioned suspiciously at the blackish panther, who laid down in the sun.

"How rude of you, Iruka, I want you to be my owner from now on," Asmodeus huffed, rubbing his furry head against Iruka's leg.

"The Umino's Amulet is a dangerous kind of ability so that's why Asmodeus is here, he can extract chakra from you if it gets too complicated," Iruka explained.

Anahita then started to give me instructions to how to revive a fish, which was caught from the nearby pond.

"It's important to maintain the chakra, too much and it will die, not much and it will die as well," Asmodeus kept on repeating clearly everytime the fish stop moving.

"Remember, just breathe and keep thinking positively," Iruka added calmly, kneeling down beside me.

"Okay," I muttered gently, my hands were levitating over the fish's unmoving body. Just like I did with Boruto but there was no progress at all.

You heard what the boy said, you're danger, you shouldn't even be here, not even the villagers want you anymore.

No, that's not true, there must be a rumour of me or something-

A rumour? Of what? That a monster lives among them? Anyone would be scared of that?

I was then standing in front of someone, my younger self. She was crying so hard that her voice had left but no one was there to support her.

"Hey, it's alright-" I mumbled softly though as soon as I tried to touch her shoulder, chaos was unleashed.

The girl, who was me, from years ago started to shriek in anger, gripping her hair tightly to forcefully pull it out. She kept on screaming 'Why! Why! Why!' with such confusion.

Speechless, I felt myself being pulled back away from the little girl, whose world felt like ending.

"Good job Ellie, you've achieved how to use the Sharingan, impressive," Sensei had said one day and it was that first time I got a compliment from him.

Though now it was just a memory.

Sometimes I question time to time why I haven't returned back to Sensei. Am I really attached to this place, where I was supposed to steal from?

"Enkai, when you come back home, I will have to tell you a secret that I have hidden from you, my identity,"

Those last words rang in my ears as I felt someone gently shake me by the shoulder.

"Enkai! You did it!" Iruka was the first time I saw when I opened my eyes again, resting against Iruka's lap.

"Really?" I questioned tiredly, looking over to see the fish jump into the pond where it belonged with the help from Anahita.

Maybe that's what I need. A push to the right direction...

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]Where stories live. Discover now