New Home

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There was silence between us as we walked side to side until we ended up in front of a large home. Knocking the door, revealing the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Boruto, you're back and who is this girl?" The woman asked gently, her voice was very soothing.

The woman had dark blue hair with fair skin and the gentlest facial expression. She had a curvy figure and her eyes were white with a tint of lavender to them.

"Mom, she's Enkai, don't you remember her?"

The woman pulled a surprised face and looked me over again. Why is everyone shocked by my name? Do they know something I don't? Do they know me before?

"Really? My name is Hinata, I'm sure you visited the Hokage haven't you?"

Nodding hesitantly, I was escorted into the house which felt cozy and warm with their family pictures being hung around.

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, revealing a little girl, her whole appearance was just like her mother.

"Boruto! You're back! I feel so much better now! Uh, who are you?" The girl, being called Himawari, asked politely.

"I'm Enkai, I've come to stay for some days, do you think I could stay?" I questioned carefully, kneeling in front of the kid.

"Are you one of Boruto's friends?" Himawari asked innocently.

Looking up at Boruto, he looked embarrassed but gave me a nod.

"Yep, I'm one of his friends,"

Immediately with my answer, Himawari lit up and walked towards me, giving me a quick hug before running into one of the rooms.

Being dazed by the sudden contact, Boruto began to laugh though stopped when I gave him a stare, scratching the back of his head as if he didn't do it.

"Boruto, I think you should let Enkai stay in your room for the night until we clean up the guest room,"

About to argue, Hinata gave Boruto the same stern like the Hokage gave, making him gloomily walk upstairs with me trailing him behind.

\\♤♡ • ♧☆\\

"So I guess you don't remember anything about Konoha right?"

"What do you mean?"

Both of us had been sitting on Boruto's bed, my own being on the floor but I couldn't be bothered to lay down there, his was way comfier.

"Seven years ago, one of my friends got kidnapped and was never found again, her name was Enkai Umino-Hakate,"

Enkai Umino-Hakate? It sounds familiar but I can't remember. What did it have to do with me though? Was it just because it has my first name?

"Don't you think it's a coincidence? I bet Dad knows something and he wouldn't tell you," Boruto said angrily.

I didn't answer his question but thought for myself. Could I be that girl that got kidnapped. No, Sensei would tell me right?

Hearing the Hokage's voice, we both came down to be in front of a feast. The Hokage was there with Himawari and Hinata, only waiting for the both of us.

"I see you're getting used to our house Enkai?" The Hokage asked curiously.

Answering with a steady yes, I slowly cut the chicken and set it into my mouth, afraid to taste it but when I swallowed it, I quickly started to devour the food.

Maybe I could stay for a little longer and then finish my job....

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]Where stories live. Discover now