Asmodeus Appearance

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"Enkai, I've been wanting to show you this for a while," Iruka said, his hands behind his back as we were doing our usual stroll.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, waving at the citizens just like Iruka did.

"We have to get to a clear space first," Iruka insisted even when I pleaded, indicating that we were going to the training grounds.

As soon as we entered, I patiently waited for Iruka to set up a summoning circle with his blood. Was I going to learn a Kekkei Genkai?

"Asmodeus! Come out!" Iruka yelled, setting his hand in the middle for an enormous amount of chakra to be let out immediately.

A dog like beast emerged from the ground, his eyes set on Iruka as it let Iruka pet its head softly as if it was a pet.

"Enkai, this is Asmodeus, the person I wanted you to meet, Asmodeus, this is my daughter Enkai, you remember her don't you?"

Seeing the beast look over at me, his head shook up and down at Iruka's question before strutting up to me.

"Hello?" I said nervously, my hand was hovering over his body but the creature rubbed his head against it, giving me consent to pat him.

"He can talk and he is a shape-shifter but he is still holding something against himself, I've had him for a while now but it think you can take care of him,"

"So he's my pet?"

"No, I'm your partner in crime," A low voice came through, making me think that we were being watched until I looked at the beast again.

"So you can talk,"

"Of course I can speak! I am Asmodeus, the devil of sensuality and luxury!" The dog barked, the whole scene looked weird.

"Well I need to head back to work but before that, I need to sign the contract between both of you,"

The contract was a long scroll with the handwriting that matched Iruka, stating of how our lives would be connected from as soon as the three blood prints were set. The current user's, Iruka, the creature's, Asmodeus and the user that would now have it, me.

Instantly as two hands and a paw prints were present and the scroll was closed, there was like a string of chakra going from Asmodeus to me and vice versa.

"Good! Now that everything is finished, I'll be going now, Asmodeus, keep a close eye on her okay," Iruka commented before leaving the area.

Wiping the blood off my hand, I didn't realise that Asmodeus was approaching me curiously, his red orbs beaming in the sunlight.

"You are not honest with yourself,"

Looking at Asmodeus currently, I saw he was being serious, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, forget it, just get on my back,"

Nodding slowly, I got on Asmodeus' back with no complaints, waiting for the creature to jump into the air with such speed-

"You were just thinking that I was going to leap into the air weren't you?" Asmodeus stated, chuckling in the process.

"What! No! I wasn't thinking that,"

"Yeah right, you Umino's are too predictable, I don't even need to go through your brain to know what you're thinking," Asmodeus explained, stretching his legs before leaping into the air...

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