Where's Sensei

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I don't own any of the characters that are from Naruto in the story as Masashi Kishimoto owns it all.

"Come on Enkai! Aren't you going to open it?" Boruto insisted persistently and I nodded hesitantly, unravelling the paper.

It wasn't a large letter but it was always Sensei's style. Short, sweet and straight to the point.

'Dear Melantha, I know that this letter will get to you. I was wondering when you will come back from your mission. You should be done by now, shouldn't you. Don't reply back, just come back soon.'

"Why is it blank! Or is the handwriting really tiny?" Boruto yelled disappointingly, falling back on his bed.

One of Sensei's abilities. Able to make things invisible to anyone that he doesn't want for them to see, only for the person that he thinks of.

"Enkai, can you see anything as well?" Mitsuki asked curiously but I shook my head, the paper soon disappearing into smoke.

My assignment in Konaha was to get a sacred scroll that contained a enormous amount of justus in it. It was supposed to help me with my next mission. Destruction for safety.

"Anyways, let's go to the training grounds to see who's stronger!" I declared and the two boys fell for my diversion, the word 'stronger' is always a weakness to males.

That's how I got myself into a competition with a snake and the Hokage's son, formally called Mitsuki and Boruto Uzumaki.

"Let's start with shuriken throwing, Boruto! Remember, actually hit the target instead of a human!"

"Yeah Yeah! Look at this," Confidently saying, Boruto had thrown the shurikens to actually hit the target but not even close to hit the middle.

Mitsuki went next and hit the target perfectly, well expected from the mysterious boy, having a smile from his success.

Though as soon as I was about to throw my shuriken, another came from the trees and heading straight for my head. What is with people trying to kill me with shurikens?

Immediately dodging the shuriken, I activated my Sharingan to see there was no one that I could detect in the trees but the shuriken wasn't in that purple aura either.

"Hey! Why don't you come out and face us-!" Boruto yelled angrily, Mitsuki pulling him back from running after the suspect.

"Boruto, no one is there, not that I can see anyways," I reassured clearly, going to grab the shuriken but jumped back when I saw the weapon was melting into a... explosive tag.


Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to move back enough when the explosion had been activated. Sending my body to slam into the ground by the force of the eruption.

Slowly opening my eyes, smoke covered my vision as I tried to look for the two boys. Trying to sit up, a slight ache emerged on my waist.

"Enkai! Where are you!" Boruto's voice echoed in my ears, even though it sounded so close to me, he was just too far...

Sensei, this is your doing isn't it? Why are you doing this....

Good job Uchiha, this is the first step to success but there is more to this. In a few weeks, she will be out of Konaha and will never come back. I'm sure of it.

Well that's good, she thought happily, smiling to herself at her world without Enkai in it. Finally I can have my life back.

Finally I will have my little apprentice back to my side, it was a bad decision to sent her there but as soon as she arrives, I will wipe off her memory....

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]Where stories live. Discover now