I Understand

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Knowing on my parent's door, I didn't think that Iruka would answer it, his face was still looking paler than it should be.

"Welcome back Enkai, do you need something?" Iruka asked curiously, letting me into the house.

"I want to ask you two something, is Kakashi around?" I mentioned, watching Iruka go to the kitchen before following him.

"He's out talking to Naruto, he'll be there for a while, would you want me to get him?"

Shaking my head, I helped Iruka with the hot tea and placed it on the table, "I'd rather talk to just you,"

"Really, you wouldn't want Kakashi here?"

"No, Kakashi told me to speak to you in private,"

"That Kakashi, thinking he can just-"

"I don't blame him, I should have approached you before, I was afraid, I am sorry," I explained, bowing my head lowly.

"No, no, it's my fault! I'm the parent, I should have said something first, it's just- I couldn't believe that I saw my daughter after so many years,"

Smiling slightly, I couldn't help but feel myself fit into this village, the place where I was born in.

"Enkai, come over,"

Seeing Iruka pat his leg, I curiously slid over to his side before slowly laying my head on his lap. Soon enough, Iruka's hand went through my hair, making me let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Iruka then gave a little laugh that released happiness, "You and Kakashi are so alike, he gives the same reaction every time I do this,"

"Really? I'm like Lord Sixth?"

"Not Lord Sixth, he's your father remember, now what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, some girl in my class wants me to stay over at their place for some days,"

"That's wonderful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but it's Sadara, Sakura's daughter,"

"Ah Sadara, I've seen her about the Academy, she is one of the smartest girls in her class,"

"That's what so annoying, she thinks she can do anything she wants,"

"Well I think you should give her a chance, at least stay for one day and if you don't like it, then you can just come home,"

I just responded with a 'hm' sound and focused of the gentle touches on my head. It was so relaxing...

\\♤♡ • ♧☆\\

Walking into the classroom, I immediately walked towards Sadara and her little gang and interrupted their talk.

"My parents says I could stay for some days," I stated clearly, ignoring the disappointment on Sadara's face before walking towards Boruto and Mitsuki.

They both looked curious of what happened but didn't question, the smile on my face told them to not say anything.

"So, Enkai, are you now friends with Sadara?" Boruto questioned uneasily, sitting in his normal seat beside me.

"Nope, I got invited to stay at her house," I answered, setting my head on the table in boredom, "It's going to be bad,"

Mitsuki then smiled in his normal way as he entered the classroom, "Why is Enkai looking dead?"

"She's going to stay over in someone's house and she doesn't want to," Boruto explained openly.

"If I don't come back alive, then you'll know where I'll be," I commented deliberately.

"At the graveyard?" Mitsuki guessed innocently.

"No! At home, taking a nap! What do you think!" I said sarcastically but as if Mitsuki knows what a joke is in the first place....

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя