Children and Tricks

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We stepped out of the house, and I could feel the sun warming my skin. As we walked towards our destination, I noticed the people around us, all of them seemingly lost in their own thoughts and worries.

Boruto walked beside me, his ninja uniform a stark contrast to the regular clothes of the people around us. But he seemed to fit in perfectly, walking with a sense of purpose and determination.

I looked up at him, feeling a sense of admiration for the strength and courage he seemed to possess. I was thankful to have him by my side, as I knew that I was in good hands.

As we walked through town, we encountered many people, some of whom were elders. Boruto would greet them respectfully, and I found my hand naturally resting on his arm, a gesture of support and comfort.

As we continued walking through town, we noticed that more and more people were stopping to look at us. They would often come to us as we were the 'candidates' of being the leaders of their country, even though we were only the ages of 14.

I could feel their eyes on us, a mix of hope and apprehension. Boruto seemed to be aware of it too, and he stood tall and proud, meeting their gaze with a reassuring smile.

"So who do we have to visit today?" Boruto asked me as he continued to walk through his town.

"Oh, come on Boruto," I teased, "It's not like it's a chore. We get to go around and meet the people of this town, and you get to show off your ninja skills!"

He looked at me, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "You think I should show off my ninja skills?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "What kind of ninja skills?"

I grinned. "You know, like throwing stars, disappearing in a puff of smoke, or jumping off buildings with a single bound."

We both laughed, and I then added, "But you know, don't do anything too crazy. We're here for the kids, after all."

We had been assigned to the academy in order to help train the younger generations in the art of ninjutsu.

We needed to gain the trust and support of the children and their parents, so that they would be more likely to vote for us. We made sure to take the time to talk to them, answer their questions, and show them that we truly cared about their future.

After entering the academy, we got our identification cards so the children could know our names and recognize us as their instructors.

We were assigned to three classes, who were waiting outside for us, eager to learn from us and start their ninja training. They were filled with excitement and anticipation, and some of them were even wearing ninja masks and costumes.

As soon as they saw us, they started squealing and cheering, thrilled to finally meet the instructors they had heard so much about. Some of them were running around and jumping up and down, so excited to start their training.

The teachers from the academy held them back as we introduced ourselves, making sure the kids didn't get too overwhelmed or overexcited.

"Hi everyone!" I said with a friendly smile. "My name is Enkai Umino and I'm one of your instructors."

A chorus of enthusiastic cheers filled the air as soon as I introduced myself, and the children's eyes lit up with delight. Some of them were clapping and jumping up and down, and others were calling out my name in excitement.

I then gestured to Boruto and said, "This is my colleague Boruto Uzumaki. He's also one of your instructors."

The kids cheered in response, and I could feel their excitement radiating through the air.

"We're so glad to finally be here and meet you all!"

"We're here as current candidates of the Umikage but also citizens of the Leaf Village," I said.

"We hope that we can make a positive impact on the village and learn from all of you." I continued. "It's an honor to be here today."

"Today, we will be teaching some moves and at the end, you can ask us any questions that you might have about ninjutsu. We want to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident with the material we will be discussing. We're here to help you learn and grow, so don't be afraid to ask questions and speak up if you don't understand something!"

The kids cheered and clapped in response, expressing their excitement and enthusiasm for the lesson. Some of them were even jumping up and down with anticipation. "Let's get started!" they shouted in unison.

With a nod from their teachers, the children were all let off from their grasp and ran to us, eager to begin the lesson.

"What is ninjutsu?" one of the kids asked.

"Ninjutsu is the practice of using stealth and agility to accomplish missions," I explained.

"What kind of missions?" another one asked.

"Well, ninjas can be hired for a variety of missions, such as espionage, sabotage, assassination, and reconnaissance," Boruto answered.

"That sounds so cool!" another kid said with a huge grin on their face. "Can you show us some of the techniques you use?"

Boruto smiled and nodded. "Sure thing! Let's get started. First, I'm going to show you a few basic ninjutsu techniques that you can use in combat. After that, we'll move on to more advanced techniques. So, who's ready to learn some ninjutsu?"

The kids cheered in response and crowded around Boruto as he proceeded to show them the moves.

Boruto then proceeded to do the Clone Technique, which created multiple copies of himself. The kids were amazed at the sight of the clones and watched in awe as Boruto demonstrated each move flawlessly.

Even though the technique was complex, Boruto was able to make it look effortless. The kids clapped and cheered at the end of the demonstration, and Boruto thanked them for their enthusiasm.

Boruto beamed with pride as he watched the kids interact with the clones he had created. They were clearly enjoying themselves as they practiced the moves he had just taught them. Seeing them so engaged and enthusiastic about the lesson made him feel a deep sense of satisfaction.

He was proud that he had been able to share his knowledge and skills with the children and help them learn something new.

He demonstrated each move slowly and carefully, making sure to explain the details of the technique and answering any questions they had about it.

I sighed as he took all the attention away from me. I was also eager to show off my own skills, but it I felt someone pull my finger and I looked down to see a small girl looking up at me with wide eyes.

She had a smile on her face and held up a wooden sword. "Can you show me how to do the moves, too?" she asked eagerly. . . .

𝐄𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 [𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐅]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum