Ways of love

486 9 9

Ships: NightmarexKiller, CrossxKiller

-college au

-drunk sex






Killer just sat between Nightmare and Cross, trying to ignore the thick tension between the two as he tried eating lunch.. but it's hard to since Killer could practically feel how thick the tension is.

Finally, Killer placed down his fork, having enough of the tension.

"Okay- so what's up? Why are you guys always like this when you two see each other?" Killer asked the two, breaking the tension.

The two taller skeleton looked down at Killer, saying nothing at first before Cross speaking up.

"Because I don't like him, he always take his 'teasings' too far! If you can even call what he does teasing.. especially towards you Killer" Cross spat out, clearly very upset with Nightmare.

The goopy skeleton raised an eye at Cross "well, it's not like I'm doing it to you, plus... Killer doesn't mind do you?" Nightmare asked in a stern tone but once turning to Killer, his tone soften a lot.

Killer sighed a little bit once he heard the reasonings for the 3 year long tension.

"..so that's it?" Killer asked, he took a deep breath, he looked at Cross.

"Cross I really do appreciate that you want to care and protect me.. but I really don't mind Nightmare's teasing at all even if he can go overboard at times.." Nightmare give a shit eating grin at Cross when Killer said that but that grin immediately faded once Killer turned over to face him.

"And Nightmare.. I do find the teasings funny but I also have to admit, some teases are pretty overboard so you should also try to calm down with that" this time it was Cross giving Nightmare the shit eating grin when Killer said that.

But at the end, the tension was still thick as hell between the two despite Killer trying to reason with the two.

The smaller soon finished eating his lunch "I'm done, I'll be at the dorms if you two need me" he said before leaving to put the tray back and going to the dorms.

Once Killer got to the dorms, he laid on his bed, doing nothing really since he has just finished his assignments last night while pulling an all nighter.. but maybe Killer could just go and take a quick nap? Yea, a quick nap before his shift, that sounds nice.. and with that, Killer just closed his eyes for a nap.

After a couple of hours, Killer woke up from his nap, he picked up his phone, checking the time.

"3:02.." Killer mumbled as he looked at the time... wait- 3:02pm- OH SHIT- Killer had to get to work by 3:10.

The smaller skeleton's voided eyes widen, he immediately went to go put on a random pair of shoes before rushing out. Not even realizing he wore two mismatching shoes that wasn't even his, the left side being Cross' and the right being Nightmare's.

He ran passed Nightmare who were just heading back to the dorms, then passed Cross who was heading to class, not saying anything to the two.

Killer sighed as he heads into the dorms, shivering a little bit when he remembered how his manager scolded him for being 10 minutes late, okay, being late was on him this time, he forgot to set an alarm.

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