"Do you want to talk about it?"

"About how we almost died? Repeatedly?" he asked, clumsily lifting the tall glass and almost dropping it, "funnily enough, not something I want to relive"

"That was only like a four outta ten on the excitement scale"

He lifted a brow, "what, to you, is a ten?"

She smirked, "you couldn't handle it"

"Probably right there" he acknowledged, lifting the glass to his lips and taking a few sips, the brown liquid still hot so it burnt his tongue, resulting in his spitting out some coffee so it dribbled down his shirt.

Wordlessly, she handed him a towel, not even bothering to hide her amusement as he blushed and took it, dabbing his shirt dry.

"I promise, I'm not always this much of an idiot. It just seems to be when I'm around you"

"I've noticed"

He averted his eyes, concentrating on drying himself before putting the towel on the counter.

"Maybe I could find you a sippy cup" she continued, holding back her laugh as he sent her a half hearted glare, "or maybe we should just get you a bib instead"

"Ha-ha" he mocked, though she could see the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips, "you're hilarious"

"I know"

"Modest, too" he remarked sarcastically

"Being modest is definitely no fun" she smirked, hoping he would understand her flirty, playful banter which just seemed to slip out more than usual around him.

It took a couple seconds but he did, that pink tinge returning to his speckled cheeks.

"Well, uh..." he coughed to clear his throat, "I wouldn't know about that"

"I'm guessing skinny dipping isn't a thing here then?"

His eyes widened, the images no doubt spreading through his brain.

"S-Skinny-? Uh... heh... not at any party I've been at, because, trust me, I would definitely remember that"

"Then you've not been invited to the right kinda parties" she joked.

"Bold of you to assume I get invited anywhere" he snorted, "remember, I'm sort of at the bottom of the social pyramid. Actually, probably below that. I'm the equivalent of being subterranean"

"You were at Lydia's party the first week of school"

"That's because everyone - including losers - gets to go to Lydia's parties. I think she allows it to reinforce the social hierarchy. Rub it in the little guys faces"

"Sounds like Lydia" she laughed, taking another sip of her coffee, "it's funny though, back home she would get eaten alive"


"Oh yeah" she nodded, lifting the glass to her lips again and taking another mouthful, "she'd be knocked off her pedestal so fast she'd get whiplash"

"Now that would be kind of great to see"

She laughed, finishing off her latte.

"What uh... what was it like? Back home I mean" he asked, trying his damnest to get that little bit closer to her, past those secretive defences she wore so well.

"It was... home" she answered simply, shrugging absentmindedly, probably not even realising she wasn't answering the question like he hoped she would.

"Why there though?" he persisted, "your dad was brought up here, right?"

I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite) // Stiles Stilinski x OCWhere stories live. Discover now