For the first time in a long time she was doing the right thing and keeping quiet and staying out of it. If only she had done that earlier, we wouldn't be in this situation.

"Riccardo." Alpha Alessandro's mum finally spoke. "Let's not make any rash decisions now."

"Harlan is dead." The Head Alpha simply said as he stared at his mate. "The humans killed him."

"I know." Her eyes darted towards me for a second before moving back to her pissed off mate. "But she is Alessandro's mate, she is his."

Like his mate did a few seconds ago, the Head Alpha looked at me but instead of the blank look his mate gave me, his was filled with disgust and rage.

I don't know why he was disgusted with me, if he wants to be disgusted with anyone it should be his nephew- the rapist!

"She didn't kill him. She was protecting her sister." Rosa looked towards me and this time her face was not void of any emotions, there was one emotion present and it looked like she was slightly proud. "She will make a good Luna."

Her words set off everyone in the room in different ways but before anyone could say anything the door opened and someone walked in. My heart leapt with joy when I saw who it was.

"Teresa." The Head Alpha looked surprised to see her here. "What are you doing here?"

Teresa looked towards me and gave me a warm smile. "Nala asked me to come."

The hint of happiness that was on the Head Alpha's face from seeing Teresa dissipated the moment she uttered those words. "Do you know about Harlan? What they did?"

Teresa didn't answer immediately instead she was looking at Cami with a look of pure and utter sorrow that it made my heart hurt just from observing it. Teresa was a good person, she really was. There was no anger or hatred towards Cami despite what Cami did to her brother, just sadness. The sadness wasn't towards herself though or her loss but towards Cami and her pain.

"Yes." Teresa finally said. "Alessandro told me."

The Head Alpha let out a noise of disbelief. "What happened to you both? This human has bewitched you."

"She's Alessandro's mate. She will be my Luna."

The Head Alpha shook his head and turned around so we were no longer privy to his facial expressions and emotions. He was angry, very angry and it seemed like the Alpha and Teresa were only adding more fuel to the fire.

Rosa placed her hand gently on Riccardo's back and leaned in. She began whispering something in his ear and by the way his shoulder and back tensed up I could see it wasn't something he liked or agreed with.

Deciding to make the most of this time out, I turned towards Cami who was still looking completely blindsided and horrified. "Hey. It's okay." I mouthed to her while she simply opened her mouth in response. "We're going to be okay."

This time I believed those words, we were going to be okay, I knew it. Not only has Alpha Alessandro completely changed his stance on not protecting us but Teresa was here too. They could both reason with the Head Alpha and get him to let us both go unharmed.

"No harm will come to your mate." The Head Alpha uttered those words as soon as he turned around and faced us. "She did not kill Harlan and like your mother said she was simply protecting her sister."

Relief filled my body and I let out a sigh. It was finally going to end now and we could move on from this horrible and traumatising nightmare. My relief was short lived when the Head Alpha continued talking.

"Her sister on the other hand killed Harlan, she needs to pay for her crimes."

"What? No!" I shouted before anyone else could say anything. "She's just a kid."

"A kid that killed my nephew." The Head Alpha hissed as he took a step towards me.

Cami let out a soft sob as Alpha Alessandro came and stood beside me. His mum looked like she agreed with his dad whereas Teresa looked conflicted.

"You're not going to hurt her, she was only defending herself."

The Head Alpha cocked his head to the side. "Earlier did you not say it was you who killed Harlan and not your sister? Which one is it? Which one is the lie? Or is it all lies?"

"I did kill him and I will accept the punishment for this crime." Cami softly said causing me to groan.

Why was she talking again? Why couldn't she just remain silent?

"She shouldn't be punished for defending herself."

"Your sister said she will accept her punishment."

I shook my head frantically. "She doesn't know what she's saying, she doesn't deserve to be punished."

"She killed Harlan." The Head Alpha was started to really get on my nerves, he wasn't listening to the reasoning behind her actions, he just wanted to see her punished.

"Because he raped her! Your nephew raped her! What part of that do you not understand?" I shouldn't be talking to his like that, I knew that but I was too angry to care about the consequences.

"I think everyone should calm down." Teresa said softly as her eyes flickered between me and her uncle.

"How do we know you're telling the truth? Since you entered this room you have lied multiple times, how do I know you're telling the truth now?"

"What?! Why would anyone lie about being raped?"

The Head Alpha turned towards Cami and advanced towards her. "You're lying aren't you? My nephew didn't rape you! Tell the truth!"

"I-I" Cami began to stutter as tears filled her wide eyes. "He did, he..."

"Stop lying and tell the truth!"

It wasn't me or Cami who said the next sentence, it was Teresa. "She's not lying, she's telling the truth!"

Tears began to stream down Teresa's face. "She's telling the truth, I know she's telling the truth."

What she said next completely and utterly blew everyone's mind.

"Because he raped me too."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Harlan raped Teresa! Did anyone expect that? Does her behaviour towards Nala make more sense now?

What do you make of Alpha Alessandro's parents?

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again soon but you can read the full story on or on my subscription page on

Also just to let you guys know I will be taking this story down a week after I finish uploading it here so please try and read it by then so you don't miss out the ending! If you have any questions about that please let me know

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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