Chapter 85. Lepidolite

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Lepidolite, Kokiri, Claudia, Viren, and Terry were at the center of the Sea of the Castout, looking for the prison.

Lepidolite: Claud, did you destroy those coins you found?

Claudia: You mean the ones of the moonshadow elves? Rayla's parents, and the assassin that killed Harrow?

Lepidolite: Yeah.

Claudia: I have them right here.

Claudia took the three coins out of her bag and showed them to Lepidolite, each containing the spirit of a specific person.

Kokiri: Why haven't you destroyed them? They're monsters. You should kill them for good to make sure they never get out again.

Claudia: Oh, they're not going free. I know that for sure. I just think they might be useful in the future, so I'm not going to destroy them. Yet, anyway.

Lepidolite: I guess that makes sense.

Claudia then put the coins back in her bag. Soon enough, they were at the center of the Sea of the Castout.

Claudia: The brown island, where is it? We're here but this doesn't make any sense. The map says there's supposed to be a brown island right in the middle of the sea.

Terry: Yup, brown island, this is where it should be.

Claudia: And we're just in time, barely. This is Day 30.

Kokiri: The day the resurrection spell expires.

Claudia: We have to find Aaravos today so we can save my dad. But no brown island!

Terry stared long and hard at the map.

Terry: Uh, Claudia? You know how we got this map out of the dragon's mouth?

Claudia: Yeah, it was amazing. You saved the day, Terr-bear!

Terry: Well, um, I suspect the brown island may not be what it seems... The brown island may just be a piece of "goonk" from between the dragon's teeth.

Terry picked the brown spot off the map and threw it over his shoulder.

Terry: Yup. Goonk.

Claudia: If there's no brown island, where is Aaravos's prison? Does this mean the map is wrong?

Lepidolite noticed a glowing blue fish quickly swimming toward them. It stopped when it reached them and jumped onto the boat, right in front of Lepidolite. The fish disintegrated to reveal a waterproof bag with a folded piece of paper and an amulet inside.

Lepidolite picked it up, opened the bag, took the folded piece of paper out, and read it.

Lepidolite: No, the map is right. It's right here in the center of the Sea of the Castout.

Claudia: It is?

Claudia noticed the piece of paper in Lepidolite's hand.

Claudia: What's that?

Lepidolite: It's a letter from Linopha. She sent it to me using ocean magic. She's saying that the prison is a pearl. It's hidden in a shell at the bottom of the ocean in the center of the Sea of the Castout.

Terry: So it's right below us. Deep underwater.

Claudia: I know a dark magic spell that can allow me to breathe underwater and swim really well, but we're going to need to catch a purple pentapus.

Lepidolite: That won't be necessary.

Lepidolite took the amulet out of the bag.

Lepidolite: I think we can use this to breathe underwater. This means only one of us can go, though, since none of us are connected to the ocean arcanum.

Kokiri: I'll do it. 

Author's note: In case any of you are confused about the thing with the coins, here's an explanation. Claudia has the real coins, and the coins that Rayla has are fake. 

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