Chapter 49. Lepidolite

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The human armies were in Xadia.

Viren was up ahead in front of Lepidolite, Soren, and Claudia. Soren pulled up his horse beside Viren's.

Soren: Hey, Dad? I just have one question. Now that we're in Xadia... or should I say, New Katolis? Or East Katolis? Or Katol-east?

Lepidolite caught Claudia laughing.

Viren: Get on with it, son.

Soren: What's the plan?

Viren: You do not need to concern yourself

with the plan.

Soren: I mean, you do have a plan, right?

Viren: My plan will be revealed at the appropriate time.

Soren: I am a Crown Guard. Shouldn't the leaders know what's going on?

Viren: Enough, Soren! If you want to lead, you need to learn how to follow. If you want to learn to follow, you need to learn how to shut your mouth. Perhaps you could look to Prince Kasef for an example.

Viren sped up ahead. Soren looked over at Kasef and mumbled something at him.

Soren: You think you're so great, with your quietness, rugged battle stance, and... your horse with kind eyes!

Claudia laughed.

Lepidolite: I think Soren's jealous.

Lepidolite looked up ahead and saw the golden city of Lux Aurea, the capital metropolis of the sunfire elves.

Lepidolite: We're gonna have to get around that somehow. I hope your dad really does have a plan.

Soren: Me too. 

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