Chapter 80. Linopha

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Linopha, Bait, Callum, and Rayla soon arrived at a camp of sunfire elves and humans in tents. Gren walked up to them.

Gren: Prince Callum! Welcome!

Callum: Oh, Commander Gren!

Gren: Oh, please, just Gren is fine here. Amaya would have come to meet you personally, but she's a little busy. I'll take you to her.

They got off their mounts and followed Gren.

Rayla: So humans and elves together in one camp. Peaceful utopia?

Gren: Well... no. And yes. Things haven't been easy, but I think the dust has settled. Mostly. And I'm sure you've heard the news.

Callum: News? No, we haven't heard any news. Is there news?

Gren: Oh, I thought Amaya would have at least sent a crow.

Callum: Is it good news or bad news?

Gren: Well, I don't really think it's my place to say.

Callum: Gren, just tell me what's going on.

Gren: It's probably best if Amaya tells you herself.

Gren led them to the tent where Amaya and Janai were.

Callum: Aunt Amaya! What's the big news? What happened? Is everything okay?

They noticed someone was holding bouquets of wedding flowers.

Rayla: Ah! Is someone getting married?

Janai and Amaya in unison: Surprise!

Callum: What? Congratulations! With the way Gren was acting, I thought maybe the world was ending or something.

Janai: We apologize for not sending word, but I'm glad we got to tell you in person. But I have to ask, what brings you here?

Callum: Oh! Uh, right! Uh, the world, uh, the world might actually be ending.

Rayla: Viren's alive, and he and Claudia are trying to release the most dangerous being in all of Xadia, a startouch elf called Aaravos.

Linopha: Rayla, none of that information has been proven to us by anyone. You don't know anything-

Janai: Wait, did you say a startouch elf?

Rayla: Yes. Aaravos, the Fallen Star. Lepidolite, Claudia, and Viren have a map to the exact location of his prison, and we don't. They could release him at any moment.

Callum: So that's why we're here. We have to go to the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea to search for the scrolls of the first elves and learn everything we can about Aaravos before he returns.

Janai: No. Lux Aurea is fallen. As queen of the sunfire elves, I forbid you.

Rayla: What do you mean, you forbid us? Do you want us to just sit here and help you pick out flowers until an angry startouch elf knocks on your door?

Callum: Queen Janai, uh, what Rayla means is... We don't have a lot of time, and the bookery might have something in it that'd give us a fighting chance. It's the only lead we've got.

Janai: Nearly a year ago, we tried to reclaim Lux Aurea, but the dark mage's corruption was worse than we realized. It is like a plague. Dark magic infests the city. What life remains there has been twisted into monstrosities. We lost so many lives.

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