Chapter 2. Lepidolite

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Lepidolite, Soren, and Claudia were walking through the forest in silence, tracking the main group.

Lepidolite: We're close. I can tell.

Claudia: You're right. Now I'm going to do the sleeping spell.

Claudia took out her ocarina.

Claudia: You might want to cover your ears.

Lepidolite covered her ears with her hands as she saw Claudia raise the ocarina, and begin playing.

They reached the edge of the forest, where Lepidolite saw the moonshadow elf alone, patrolling.

Lepidolite (thinking): What an idiot, leaving herself open like this.

The elf's walking slowed to a stop as she got sleepier, and sleepier, until she fell unconscious beside a blue rose bush.

Lepidolite, Soren, and Claudia stepped into the glade, as Claudia finished up the song on her ocarina. When she finished, she lowered the instrument and nodded at Lepidolite and Soren.

Lepidolite uncovered her ears, and Soren raised his sword, ready to decapitate the elf.

But he hesitated, and Lepidolite wondered why.

Lepidolite: Soren, what are you waiting for? She's a moonshadow elf, and she kidnapped the princes! You just have to-

Soren: I know, I've just never attacked someone who's sleeping before. It doesn't seem sporting.

Claudia: You want me to wake her?

Soren nods.

Claudia: And how long do you need her to be awake for it to be "sporting"? Ten seconds? Five?

Soren: One second.

Claudia: Okay. On the count of three, I wake her.

Soren raised his sword.

Claudia: One, two-

But before Claudia is done counting, Rayla jumps up.

Claudia: But how did you resist the sleep spell?

Rayla: I used this lovely rose to help me stay awake.

Rayla opened her fist to reveal a rose, and a stream of blood trickled down her hand where a thorn had gotten stuck.

Rayla: Hard to sleep with a thorn poking at you.

Rayla threw the rose over her shoulder and drew her blades, ready to fight.

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