Chapter 79. Lepidolite

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When Lepidolite woke up, Terry was still paddling, and Claudia was awake. Lepidolite's stomach grumbled.

Lepidolite (thinking): That's right, we haven't eaten in a while.

Lepidolite grabbed a long sturdy stick out of the water. She wove together thin pieces of grass from the boat to create fishing line.

Lepidolite: Now I just need a hook and bait.

Lepidolite grabbed a sharp piece of wood to use as a hook. She fastened it onto the line and speared a bug on the wood to use as bait.

Claudia: What are you doing?

Lepidolite: I'm going to try and catch fish for us.

Claudia: That's a great idea!

Lepidolite managed to catch three fish.

Terry: Uh oh. There's five of us.

Kokiri: Viren is asleep right now. And you don't need to worry about me, I'm not hungry.

Terry: That solves it!

Lepidolite: Now we just need to cook them.

Claudia: Oh! I know a spell for that!

Claudia grabbed the sunforge staff and pointed it at the fish.

Claudia: Coquere ignem!

The three fish were bathed in fire for a moment, and when the fire died down, they were thoroughly cooked.

After eating breakfast, they noticed Viren was waking up.

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