Chapter 12. Linopha

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The next day, Linopha and Rayla were sitting in the area outside the moon temple in silence. Callum wandered over and sat down beside them.

Callum: I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell him. And I understand why you couldn't tell me.

Rayla: I still should've told you. You had the right to know.

Callum: I think maybe I did know. Deep down, I knew. I just hoped... if I didn't think about it, maybe somehow it wouldn't be true. But he's gone. He's really gone.

Rayla: Callum...

Callum: Linopha, did you know about this too?

Linopha: Yeah. I knew the king was dead, the night it happened. I noticed Rayla's binding came off.

Callum: So yesterday, when Soren said he wanted us home, you knew he was lying.

Rayla: I just thought if I told you then, it would be my word against Soren's. And you've known Soren much longer than you've known me.

Callum: Well, maybe Soren was also trying to protect our feelings.

Rayla: Oh, right. He definitely seems like a thoughtful, sensitive, feelings-protecty kind of guy.

Callum: Yeah, you're right. That's not really his style.

Rayla: Look, guys, we don't have a choice anymore. We have to leave before Lepidolite, Soren, and Claudia realize we're gone.

Linopha: They're our friends!

Callum: Whoa, wait a minute, Rayla. We can't just leave them.

Claudia: Leave?

Callum turned around and saw Claudia.

Claudia: But where would you go?

Callum: Yeah. I'm sorry. We've decided. We're leaving today. This mission, taking the dragon prince back to Xadia, it's the most important thing we'll ever do. We can't go home with you.

Claudia: But before you go... Callum, I have something I need to give you. In private.

Callum: Oh. Uh, all right.

Claudia: Come with me.

Callum looks over at Linopha and Rayla.

Callum: See you in a few minutes.

Callum left with Claudia, and Linopha and Rayla headed back to help Ezran pack for Xadia. Ezran was trying to get Zym into his backpack to carry him around the way he did when Zym was still in an egg.

Ezran: Get in the backpack, Zym.

Zym scampered away, and Ezran went after him.

Ezran: Zym, come on! You loved it in there as an egg!

After a while, Ezran managed to stuff Zym into the bag.

Ezran: Linopha! Rayla! Look! He can't fly yet, but he should be safe here in my bag.

Linopha: There's nothing in there.

Ezran looked up to find Zym on the other side of the room.

Ezran: Zym! How'd you do that?

Callum walked into the dorm.

Rayla: How was Claudia? Did she try to manipulate you into leaving for home?

Callum: No, she didn't try to manipulate me. Actually, Claudia understands how important it is to get Zym back to Xadia.

Rayla: Oh. That's unexpected. But good.

Callum: In fact, she understands it so well that she, Lepidolite, and Soren want to come with us.

Ezran: That's great! Maybe Claudia can help me get Zym in this sack with some magic.

Rayla: What!? That's the worst possible plan!

Linopha: Rayla, shut up. I'm sick of this.

Callum: How is it bad? They're offering to help.

Rayla: Or... it's a trap.

Callum sighed.

Rayla:I know you trust them, but if we let them come with us, by the time we know the truth, it'll be too late.

Ezran: Why wouldn't we trust them?

Callum: Well then, what do we do? How do we figure out if it's help or a trap?

Ezran: I did it!

Ezran finally stuffed Zym into his bag.

Rayla: I have an idea. I'll need Lujanne's help.

Rayla left the dorm and walked in the direction of the moon temple. 

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