Chapter 69. Linopha

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Linopha and her friends walked through the uncharted forest.

Rayla: Get down! Hide!

Rayla shoved Soren behind a rock, and Linopha pulled Callum and Ezran behind a tree.

A few earthblood elves flew by riding drakes.

Rayla: Those are the Riders of the Drakewood.

Linopha: That means we're in the right place.

Ezran: Maybe they can help us find the back door.

Rayla: I don't think so. The Riders are known for viciously protecting their turf from trespassers, and then throwing them into a hole called the Pit of Despair.

Callum: Okay. That sounds bad.

Rayla: Nothing else for it. You all stay here and out of sight. I'll go search for the entrance.

Soren: You can't just go off alone.

Rayla: Okay. Fine. Linopha and I will go look for the entrance!

Linopha: No, I'm staying.

Rayla: Then Callum and I will go look for the entrance?

Callum: No. I'll stay with Linopha and Ezran. Go with Soren.

Rayla: I suppose that works, too.

But Rayla looked kind of disappointed.

Ezran: Good luck guys! You'll find it in no time!

Soren: Let the adventure begin.

Soren and Rayla walked away, and Linopha, Callum, and Ezran sat down in a clearing by a log.

Callum: I'm gonna go search for firewood.

Callum went into the forest, and soon came back with a bundle of firewood.

Linopha immediately got to work building a fire.

Callum fetched more firewood to power the fire.

And then he went and got even more. Linopha could tell he was upset about something.

Ezran: Um, I think we've got enough firewood, Callum.

Callum: Huh? Oh. I'm sorry.

Linopha (thinking): I guess he zoned out.

Ezran: You look like you might have some big feelings.

Callum: This isn't a big feelings time. We've gotta stay alert. We don't know what's out there.

Ezran: You okay?

Callum: Yeah.

Linopha: What are you thinking about, Callum? I can tell you're upset.

Callum: I can't get it out of my head. Whenever I close my eyes I'm back in that moment. It was... awful.

Ezran: I'm sure when Rayla disappeared she didn't mean to make you feel like that.

Linopha (thinking): Idiot! That's obviously not what he's talking about!

Callum: No, not Rayla, I'm talking about Aaravos. You know, when he took over my whole body and used me like a puppet.

Linopha (thinking): It was that, or the blood ritual.

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