Chapter 8. Lepidolite (flashback)

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When Lepidolite was a kid, she loved exploring Katolis castle, finding new passageways through the walls and secret chambers. It felt like she was hunting for treasure.

Sometimes she went with her sister Linopha and her friends Callum, Ezran, Soren, Claudia, and sometimes she went on her own.

One time, Lepidolite had gone to the usual meeting spot, but the only person that arrived was Linopha.

Lepidolite: Where is everyone?

Linopha: Soren and Callum are practicing swordfighting, Ezran is stealing jelly tarts, and Claudia is hunting for the ingredients for a new dark magic spell. So I guess it's just us today.

Lepidolite: Let's go. I found a new passageway. Let's see where it leads.

The two sisters explored and had fun together that day. At the end of the day, Linopha got tired and went to bed.

But Lepidolite wasn't tired, so she decided to do some exploring on her own before going to bed.

She was walking down a hallway when she heard muffled noises from inside a room.

She tiptoed open to the door. It was just barely open, so she could see inside.

There was someone sitting at a desk writing something. Lepidolite recognized him immediately. It was Viren, one of the council members.

Soon enough, he stood up from his chair. He grabbed a candle and lit it, holding it in his hand. Then he walked over to the wall, where there was a painting of a sheep girl.

Then he pulled the painting off the wall to reveal a secret passageway behind it.

Lepidolite was awestruck. She hadn't been in Viren's office before, so she had never gotten a chance to search for passageways there.

She snuck into the room and followed Viren down the passageway.

It was a dark hallway, and it led to a dungeon.

She kept following him, down the halls of the dungeon, until Viren walked into the last room in the dungeon.

Lepidolite peeked in through the crack in the door.

Viren had lit the room with candles. It was mostly empty, except for a tall, ornate mirror in the middle of the room.

Viren took out the ingredients for a dark magic spell, and began the spell, saying the incantation as his eyes glowed.

Viren: Snigiro ruoy laever, tcafitra lacigam!

A shimmering cloud of what looked like magical glitter covered the mirror.

When it faded away, the mirror looked exactly the same as it did before- like an ordinary mirror.

Viren: Yet another failed spell. I'll have to keep searching.

Viren paused for a moment, and pointed at the mirror.

Viren: But I assure you, magic mirror, I will find out your secrets. I won't stop searching until I do.

Lepidolite saw Viren walk toward the door. She needed to hide- and quick.

So she ran into the room across from the one with the mirror.

Viren exited the room and went back down the hall the way he came.

After he'd left, Lepidolite wanted to leave too, but something about this dungeon pulled her.

She wanted to stay and keep exploring.

Something told her that the mirror Viren had cast a spell on was no ordinary mirror.

With caution, she entered the room Viren had been in.

The candles looked extremely overworked from being lit time and time again, nearly all the wax from the candles having burned out.

The light got dimmer, and dimmer, until the candles burned out completely.

Lepidolite was alone in the dark.

She had no problem with the dark, but she didn't know the dungeon very well.

Lepidolite: How am I going to get out of here?

Then she noticed light coming off of the mirror.

She watched in shock as the mirror swirled an indigo blue, and then revealed another room on the other side completely.

Lepidolite: Is it a portal?

Lepidolite walked toward it and tapped on the glass.

Lepidolite: It's not a portal, but more like a window.

Then something happened that startled her.

A door opened on one side of the room.

Someone walked into the room on the other side of the mirror. A tall person, wearing a long cloak that reached the floor.

Lepidolite squinted, but she couldn't see their face.

The person walked over to a bookshelf. When they reached out to grab a book, Lepidolite caught a glimpse of their arm. Their skin was midnight blue and covered in shimmering silver tattoos that looked like stars.

Lepidolite: Definitely not a human...

But before she could see more, the person left the room through the same door they came in.

Lepidolite went to leave the room. When she opened the door, a stream of light came in through the door and bounced off the mirror.

The moment it did, the mirror went back to being a normal mirror.

It didn't take long for Lepidolite to put two and two together.

Still in shock, she walked back down the passageway, out of Viren's office, and down the hall to her room, where she went to bed.

But she couldn't sleep that night. She stayed awake thinking about what she'd seen.

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